Jack Sparrow x Reader

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Hello To All My Lovely Readers! This is my first story, so please comment or message me any stories or imagines you want to see me write, savvy? ;)

Jack's POV:

It was just another normal day on The Pearl. The harsh winds were blowing in my face as I laced one of my hands around the helm, the other holding a bottle of rum, my favourite. I watched the dying sun sink at the horizon. The waves crashed against the side of The Pearl as night fell. I was stuck in a trance, the sea was so beautiful, until I heard Gibbs yell my name,

"Captain! Captain! There's a man in the waters!"

"Hoist 'em up" I replied. Gibbs and two other men grabbed onto ropes and began to pull the man up. I remained at the helm of The Pearl. The man was soon on the deck of The Pearl, coughing and spluttering.

"Captain!" Gibbs shouted "It's a woman!"

At this, I removed my hand from the wheel, handed my rum to a member of the crew and jumped down the steps to inspect. "A woman, eh?" I asked. 

3rd Person:

Jack removed his hand from the wheel, handed his bottle of rum to a nearby member of the crew and jumped down the steps, to investigate. Jack strode over to the young lady, keeping his stare into the girl's E/C eyes.

"It's bad luck to have a woman on board, Captain" Gibbs yelled. Jack ignored this and continued walking towards her. When he reached her, he crouched down, placed his right hand on her cheek. The young girl grabbed his wrist, pulling down his sleeve and gasping when she saw the letter 'P' burnt into his skin.

"You're a pirate." The young girl said, spitting out the last word. She released his wrist as he pulled his sleeve back down over the mark.

"Indeed I am, luv" Jack began, "But you shall find no harm from any member of me crew." The young girl looked into his deep, brown eyes and, for some strange reason, felt like she could trust this man, pirate or not. "Now darlin'. You are aboard The Black Pearl and this is me crew. And I am Captain Jack Sparrow" Jack said. "What's your name, luv?"

2nd Person:

"Y- Y/N" You stuttered, nervously.

"Y/N, eh?" Jack said, "A beautiful name for a beautiful lass" He winked at you, making you blush. Jack held out his hand, to help you up. You took it. "Now, let's get you into something a little less... wet." Whilst still holding Jack's hand, you walked towards a door, leading to a cabin. Inside the cabin, a large bed sat in the left corner. A desk, covered in maps and rolled up scrolls stood in the other corner and a tall wardrobe stood near it. Jack sat you down on the bed, let go of your hand, remaining eye contact, and walked over to the wardrobe. It was silent in the cabin. All you could hear was the crashing of waves and the creaking of the masts. The room was dimly lit and the moonlight began to filter through one of the porthole windows. Jack was looking through the wardrobe until you heard a quiet, "Aha!" Jack threw a white blouse, black trousers, a belt and a F/C bandana at you. "Try that on, luv. Might be a bit big on your..." Jack began, eyeing up your small physique, "body" he finished. Jack stood there, staring at you, almost expecting you to do something.

"Well I am most certainly not going to get dressed with your eyes goggling at me!" You exclaimed.

"Of course, right" Jack said. He put his hands over his eyes before splitting his fingers and peeking through them, earning a giggle from you. "I'll leave you to change then darling." Jack told you, blowing a kiss at you as he opened the door and walked out. You removed your soggy gown and corset, leaving you in just your undergarments. You quickly changed into the blouse and trousers, tying the F/C bandana around your waist. You pulled your H/L H/C hair out of a bun (A/N if your hair is long enough) and left it to fall, naturally. You put on some boots Jack had left by the end of the bed and walked out of the cabin door. 

Jack's POV:

"Alright crew, to bed, the lot of yer" I yelled, sending the men into their cabin. I was left alone on the deck. I breathed in the salty, sea air, welcoming the familiar scent. The sound of the crew squabbling and chatting soon died out, leaving it silent. Until, I heard a door creak behind me. I turned to see Y/N standing their. She was so stunning. 

"Oh, Jack, hey" She said, looking down. Her S/C skin glowing in the moonlight. She slowly walked over to me. 

"You look incredible, luv" I said, staring into her E/C orbs. Y/N smiled, her grin reaching her eyes. The moon reflected in them and at this moment I realised that I, Captain Jack Sparrow of The Black Pearl, Member of the Brethren Court, one of the fiercest pirates on the ocean, had truly and hopelessly fallen in love with Y/N. I reached one hand around her waist and the other found her soft cheek. "You are incredible" I whispered in her ear. She gasped.

"Jack I-"

"Shh" I whispered, pressing my finger to her soft, pink lips. "Never have I ever I felt like I do with you, luv." I said, removing my finger. "I don't know what it is about you but I feel like I've known you forever" I looked out to the sea and then back at Y/N. "I think I might love you." I muttered, loud enough for only her to hear. At this, Y/N gasped again. I took this moment to place my lips upon hers. They were rigid at first but soon, she melted into the kiss, her lips becoming soft and warm. Y/N's arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her. 

3rd Person:

 The Black Pearl sped across the waves and into the night as the moonlight shone down onto the two lovers, stood on the deck of the ship. Soon, The Pearl became nothing but another dark shaped drifting across the dark sea. 

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