JM Barrie x Reader

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Word Count: 1119

It was just another normal day for you. You woke up, made your breakfast and headed out to the park. The sun was shining brightly as you sat on the bench in the park. You reached down to your satchel and got your journal out, you had begun writing a story and the park was a place where you could think easily. You got out your pencil and wrote.

As the day went on, the population in the park grew. Many families were having picnics or playing fetch with their dogs or flying kites. It was truly a beautiful sight, so peaceful yet so much energy and positivity. You were so focused on your story that you didn't see the man walking towards you. He had dark brown hair and glistening chocolate brown eyes. He was quite tall and had a slim, yet toned build. He wore a white shirt and dark trousers.
"Excuse me, Miss." A the man said, with a thick Scottish accent, snapping you out of your trance. "I'm James," He said, looking into your E/C eyes. "I couldn't help but notice you were writing. I'm an author and I've been watching you the past few days and my curiosity has finally got the better of me to come over and say hello." James has a warm smile on his face.

"Of course," you told him. "Please sit down." You shuffled along the bench and motioned for him to sit by you. "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N" you told James. You held out your hand for him to shake it.

"Y/N. That's a beautiful name." James spoke almost in a whisper, it sent shivers down your spine. He took your outstretched hand and raised it to his lips and kissed it, sending a blush up to your soft cheeks. "May I read what you were writing?" James asked you.

"Oh." You replies, still flustered from his actions. "Yes, if you want to." You handed him the journal and he nodded a small thank you and an encouraging smile. He opened the cover and began reading.

Once he had read a few pages you were beginning to become paranoid, "It's not that good, really. I, I- um"

"Shh." James said, holding a finger to your lips, his eyes still on the journal. "It's brilliant." His eyes now met yours and he removed his finger from your lips. "Truly, Y/N, this is incredible." You blushed and hung your head, trying to hide the fact that you probably looked like a tomato.

"Thank you, James, but it's really not, I should scrap the introduction, it's not that great and the 3rd paragraph there- it's a bit off and the wording isn't quite right and-"

"Y/N, it's incredible. Don't doubt it. You're work is truly impeccable. I- I can get you a job!" James said, excitedly, "I'm a playwright. I can talk to some friends and I could get you a job. You're work is incredible and we need some more inspirations for plays and-"

"James. Please. I'm not that good, you don't have to worry."

"No, Y/N. Your stories deserved to be heard. They're brilliant, truly brilliant. Please- Please let me show them this. They will love you."

"I don't know James. What if they don't like it."

"They will, Y/N. I promise."

Big ol' time skip brought to you by faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust

It was the opening night. James had shown the theatre owners your story and, together, you had worked hard to turn it into a play. Now, you stood on a balcony, over looking the stage, as the audience began to enter. The play was sold out and you couldn't believe it!

You wore a long, F/C gown and your hair down and flowed beautifully. You wore a small, silver bracelet that James had bought you as a reward for agreeing to make this play with him. You had gathered quite the crush on James over the last 16 months of working together but he only left his wife 6 months ago and you didn't want to spoil the friendship. Speaking of the Devil, James entered behind you. "Wow." You turned to see James stood behind you, jaw on the floor.

"What?" You asked him, a blush creeping to your cheeks as his eyes drifted up and down your body.

"For once I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful." James said, taking steps towards you.

"You don't look to bad yourself." You said, giggling slightly. James lifted his hand to your face and cupped your cheek, you leaned into the touch. "Thank you, James." You told him, his chocolate brown eyes staring into yours, like a lost puppy. "For everything. It truly means the world."

"Y/N, my dearest. Do not thank me. It's all you. I am so proud of you. You have done so well and you have worked so hard. I am truly grateful for you."
You smiled at him and leant in to his cheek. You could smell his aftershave and it drove you crazy for him. You pecked him cheek and looked into his eyes.

"And I am truly grateful for you too, James."

You leant towards his face, feeling his warm breath brush your lips. James then closed the gap between you, pushing his lips onto yours. His lips were soft and his tongue swiped across your lower lip. You opened your mouth in return. Your tongues fought for dominance but James won. James' hands fell to your waist, pulling you closer towards him. You snaked you arms around his neck as the kiss got more heated. God. This was magical. You couldn't believe James was actually kissing you. Unfortunately there is this thing that humans need called air so you had to break apart. You placed your foreheads together and brushed noses. "I love you, Y/N. So much." James closed his eyes, foreheads still pressed. "I have felt strong feelings for you since I laid eyes on you at the park. You are something special, Y/N and you mean so much to me. I understand if you don't reciprocate the feelings, I understand. You deserve someo-"

You shut James up with another kiss.

When your lips parted, you told him, "I love you too James, so much."

That evening was the best evening of your life. Your play was a success and you got many offers on your writing skills from agencies all across London. You continued writing and became one of the most famous playwrights in London. But, most importantly, you always had James by your side.

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