Gellert Grindelwald x Reader

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Word Count: 931

It was just a normal day at work for you. You worked in the ministry as an assistant to Theseus Scamander. Although, you really wanted to be an auror yourself, an assistant I one will do for now. It was just another average Tuesday, you arrived at work, checked in, filled out some forms, made coffee and checked back out again. You lifted your briefcase, said your goodbyes to Mr Scamander and left. As you said goodbye to Doris, the receptionist, you walked out of the exit to find it raining. Ugh! You lifted your wand and a clear umbrella sprouted from the tip. You walked along the wet pavement, dodging the puddles, where possible. You turned left, down Old Tim's Alley. It was dark and dreary and the soggy weather didn't help. The stench that came from the gutters was most foul and you had to cover your nose with your F/C scarf to stop yourself from gagging. You eventually arrived at your apartment, closed the door behind you and relaxed.
Later on in the evening, you sat down in your living room, put up your feet and turned on the radio.
"... Breaking news! Mass-murderer Gellert Grindelwald has escaped from Madame Picquery's captivity in New York. Many- eye witnesses claim that they saw him in London, perhaps to seek out old companion, Albus Dumbledore. Extra protection on Hogwarts has been put in place!
You were slightly startled by the news but figured that the aurora would deal with it tomorrow. You turned off the radio and went to bed.

The next day, you were at work, bringing some paper work to Mr Scamander's office. You walked down the black corridors of the ministry, on lit by a few lamps. Suddenly, the lights began to flicker and you saw a shadow appear at the end of the corridor.

"Miss L/N. We meet at last." A mysterious male voice said.

"Who, who are you?" You asked whilst lighting up your wand but this did not help to make out who the figure was.

"Surely you know me, my dear." The voice said again. Deep down, you recognised the voice but you were unsure. "I know you." He told you. Smashing of glass and shouting voices could be heard from the other end of the ministry.

"What was that?" You asked, beginning to panic.

"Ah, my dear. That is nothing. Just my.. friends having a bit of fun." He responded. You could here the shouting of spells and you figured that this man was not a nice one.

"What do you want?" You asked him, confidence straining in your voice.

"My darling." He said, taking steps towards you until the light from your wand showed his face. You gasped. "All I've ever wanted is you."

You stood there, dumbstruck. It was Gellert Grindelwald and attacked the ministry to get you! You thought you should run but something about him made you want to stay. "How do you know who I am?" You asked him, taking a step back, away from him.

"My darling, do you not remember me?" He asked you, a twisting, almost sad look appearing on his face.

"I don't know you!" You yelled at him. "Leave me alone!" You turned to run away but felt two strong hands grip yours.

"My dear, what did they do to you?" You turned back around to face him, your hands still in his. "Your parents." He told you, swallowing a chunk in his throat. "They did this to you." The look of sadness on his face soon turned to anger but he managed to control it. "You don't remember me." He said, staring deep into your E/C eyes. You did recognise his eyes, one blue, one brown, but you weren't sure from where. "You don't remember all those nights, when you would sneak out of your dorm, at Hogwarts and we would walk by the lake. Or, all those breaks, when your parents thought you were at school, and you were with me? Or that night, in Hogsmeade, when we... You really don't remember?" His voice cracked.

"I'm sorry. I don't know who you are." You told him.

"Then allow me to make you remember. Join me, and we will accomplish what we have always dreamed of: no more hiding in the shadows." He flicked his wrist and the lights came back on in the corridor. "Please."

You didn't want to join Grindelwald but you did want to go with this man, whose world looks as if it all depended on you. "I.." you began, before thinking it through.  "The ministry needs me, I'm loyal to the ministry." You told him, taking a few steps back. "I'm so sorry."

"Y/N! I can't lose you again. Come with me!" His voice seemed much more commanding but you could still see the sadness in his eyes. You wanted to go with him, but it would be dangerous and would make you a criminal. The crashes and sound of spells got louder, meaning that they were getting closer. "Y/N, darling. You're going to have to decide now. The ministry, a place full of liars who want muggles to run the world, or me, a man who can make your dreams come true, but only if you're by my side. A man... who.. who loves you."

The crashes were now at the end of the corridor. You quickly contemplated it in your head. What the hell. You grabbed Gellert's hand and you both apparated, leaving the corridor empty.

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