Johnny Depp x Reader

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Request: Could you do a Johnny x reader where the reader is a photographer that comes to set to take photos of the cast?

Word Count: 1050

It was just a usual, breezy fall morning and you were on your way to work. You worked as a photographer for a company called Phoenix Photography. You have been working for them for 2 years, since you left college and you applied for the job, due to your love for the arts.
The traffic was okay and soon you pulled up at work. You walked in, said hello to Debra, the receptionist, scanned your key card and went to your office.

"Ah! Y/N!" A male voice yelled from behind you. You spun on your heel and turned to face your boss. You despised him. He was snobby and gross and his eyes always lingered around your chest. "Great! You're here! I need you to head to a set of.. some movie.. I can't remember the name, and take some photos of the cast. Here's the address and some other details of the cast that you will be photographing. I need you to leave as soon as possible, we are running a bit late."
He handed you a few papers and hastily strutted back down the corridor.
You shoved the papers into your bag and walked back out to your F/C car.

You got in and took out the papers, entering the studio address into your GPS. You didn't have to drive far, the studio was only 35 minutes away. You pulled up in the car park and decided to read about the film that you were taking photographs for. You picked up the papers and read them: You will need to arrive at 10am, sharp... blah blah blah... the film is called Sweeney Todd, ooh! I love that play!... boring boring... blah blah blah... The director, Tim Burton will meet you at the entrance... blah blah, wait! Tim Burton? Oh my god! You had been a massive fan of Tim Burton ever since you saw Edward Scissorhands in 1990 when you were 7!years old! Tim will accompany you to meet the cast. From there you will each have one individual cast member to stay with for he day and photograph in costume.
There was then a list of all the names of the photographers and the cast member they had:
Sam Haldon: Sacha Baron Cohen
Daisy Foiler: Helena Bonham Carter
Hope Staller: Alan Rickman
James Hunt: Timothy Spall
Y/N L/N: Johnny Depp
Y/N L/N: Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp?
Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god.

You have had a crush on Johnny Depp since you can remember, you have watched every film and TV episode that he has ever been in. You were such a massive fan of his work. And now, you get to take photos of him! And, spend 1 on 1 time with him! You could not believe it!

You looked at the dashboard clock and saw it was 10:00. 10am sharp is what the papers said. Eagerly, you jumped out of the car and walked over to the entrance. There were 4 other people stood by the door, each carrying cameras, you presumed that they were the other photographers.  So, you introduced yourself to them. Soon enough, the door opened and a man wearing black and glasses walked out: Tim Burton!
"Hello everyone. I am very pleased that you all made it. I am Tim Burton and I am the director of this film, Sweeney Todd. Please, come in." He held open the door for us and you let the other 4 go in first.

"Thank you." You said, as Tim held the door open for you. "I have to say, I am a massive fan of all of your work. I remember watching Edward Scissorhands when I was younger and spending the whole of the Christmas vacation taping scissors to my hands!"
This made Tim laugh.

"Thank you. I'm so glad you like my films. What's your name, may I ask?"

"Y/N. Y/N L/N."

"Ahh. Y/N. Your boss seemed very fond of you when we spoke on the phone. Thank you for coming." Tim turned his attention away from you and to the rest of the group. "Okay everyone, sign in, meet your cast member and have fun!"

After signing in, you walked into the studio. You could see a set of a shop, containing a counter and a table. You presumed that was Mrs Lovett's shop. You glanced around and saw one of the photographers talking to Helena Bonham Carter. She was dressed in costume and looked incredible as Mrs Lovett. Your eyes searched the set to see if you could find Johnny but you couldn't, so, you walked over to the trailers and found his. You knocked on the door.

"Come in."
You opened the door and saw Johnny Depp. He wasn't dressed as Sweeney. He was wearing a tight-fitting grey T-shirt and a black jacket. "Hello"
He said, with a charming, yet puzzled look on his face.

"Oh, um." You were completely lost for words. Come on Y/N, keep it together. "I'm Y/N. I'm your personal photographer." You said, sweetly but confidently. You smiled at him.

"Of course you are, my dear. Hello. I am Johnny. Though, you probably already know that." He laughed. God, that laugh. And his smile. It felt like my knees had just become jelly. "I must say, Y/N, I am very glad I have you as my photographer. I think you and I shall get along." He winked at you, causing you to blush, warning a smirk from him. You looked down and opened your mouth to say something but there was a knock at the door.

"Mr Depp, please head to costumes and makeup."

"Duty calls." Johnny said, still slightly smirking at you. He strode past you, lightly brushing your hand as he walked past. He opened the trailer door, stepped down and turned back around to you. "I'll see you later, my dear."

You stood there, jaw on the ground, absolutely dumbstruck. Johnny Depp just spoke to you. Johnny Depp!

This was going to be a fun day...

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