Barnabas Collins x Reader

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REQUEST: Hello could you do a Barnabas Collins X Suicidal!Reader?

If you get triggered or don't like self harm/suicide/depression etc, DO NOT READ ON!


It was a cold and windy winter night. You had run away from home and had hitch-hiked with a few hippies. All you had was a suitcase and a small coat. Snow began to fall in whatever town you were in and you were starting to wish you had packed some warm clothes. A snow storm was rapidly forming and you walked alongside a narrow, winding stone road. You hadn't eaten in almost 4 days and you were growing weak. Your eyelids kept drooping and your feet were desperately trying not to give way. You stumbled and felt your hands meet with an icy metal pole. You looked at it and realised it was a gate with the letter 'C' imprinted on the top. You leant on the gate and it opened, you walked in. Usually, you wouldn't just wander into people's houses or even do anything as rational as running away. But, you couldn't take it at home. Your mom died 5 months ago, you never met your dad and now you were supposed to live with the pig which was your step dad? No thank you. Anyways, you eventually reached a pair of large, wooden doors, again, with the letter 'C' on them. You had no energy left in you but you knocked on the door with all your might. You hit the floor. You were so exhausted that you passed out. The last thing you remember was feeling a pair of chilling arms wrap around you.

You jolted up in bed. In bed? Where were you. You looked around the room that you were in and did not recognise it. The walls were painted a soft, buttermilk yellow and the black curtains were drawn. However there was little light coming through to be able to see. You tried to get out of bed but your hand was suddenly drawn to your head as a sharp sting rang through it.

"It would be best not to move, my angel" A male voice stated, making you jump. He had an English accent and it reminded you of the time you watched the Queen on television. "No need to fear me. I shall not harm you, as long as you are not a threat." You looked at the man. He had deep black hair and pasty white skin. Almost like a- No. His eyes were dark and the stare he gave you was one that made you as though he was going to eat you.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"I am Barnabas Collins and you are currently residing in Collinswood, my family's manor."

A manor? Jeez. These guys must be rich. The man- Barnabas did look quite funny, he looked like one of those drawings from the stories your mom used to tell you about- A Vampire!

But that was ridiculous. "What is it. Speak"

"It's just. You look a bit like a- No that's stupid, nevermind."

"No, my darling. I am sure it is not stupid." He placed his hand onto yours. You shivered at the touch; his hands were freezing and his fingers looked very long.

"You- You look- I thought you looked like a vampire" You said,lightly chuckling to yourself. "But that's probably just the head inju-"

"No" Barnabas said. "You were quite right" Your eyebrows knitted as you gave him a puzzled look. "I am a vampire"

You gasped and drew your hand away from his. "That's impossible" At this, Barnabas opened his mouth to show you his fangs. You shuddered away from him and let out a little scream. "Please don't eat me"

A deep chuckle could be heard coming from the vampire, "My angel, I do not intend to eat you. I would never want to puncture such lovely skin. As you have." His eyes dropped to your bare wrists and he ran his cold finger along your scars. "May I ask why it is that you injure yourself so?" Barnabas's voice got quieter and softer.

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