Mort Rainey x Suicidal!Reader

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Request: Hello, could you make a one shot of Mort Rainey x Suicidal!Reader

Word Count: 1243

This is set 3 years after the end of 'Secret Window'. They never found the bodies and Mort's multiple personality disorder is finally clearing up. You met Mort a few months ago when you were visiting 'Tashmore Lake' as your parents would take you on holiday there when you were little and your car broke down. Mort was driving past and helped you tow the car to the nearest garage. You began dating and you moved in with him 4 weeks ago. You had heard of the things he did and he admitted them to you. However, this didn't scare you and you help him when 'Shooter' comes for a visit.


The alarm goes off beside you. You roll over in bed, slamming your hand on the snooze button. You feel across the smooth linen and frown when you realise that your boyfriend, Mort isn't beside you. You sit up, your H/C hair tangled, you rub your E/C eyes and open them to see that Mort isn't in your bedroom.

"Mort?" You call.

"I'm down here, honey!" Mort hollers back. You roll out of bed and wrap the pale, linen duvet around you, forming some sort of toga. You shuffle out of the bedroom and into the landing. You look at Mort's desk. What. A. Mess. Papers are thrown everywhere and packets of crisps are left laying around. You walk down the stairs, careful not to trip on your 'toga'. You arrive in the kitchen and see Mort, dressed in a white shirt and F/C tie, cooking something.

"Mmmm." You say, smelling the air, "Something smells delicious"

Mort chuckles and turns around to face you, "Something looks delicious." He winks at you and wraps his arms around your waist. At this, you gasp and Mort takes the opportunity to bring your lips together. He kisses you passionately, tongues fighting for dominance, before he pulls away, smirking at you. "Such a shame that I'm heading into town today", he exclaims, looking at you up and down. "We could've had some fun." You giggle at his comment and pull him into a bear hug. He grins and buries his head in your neck, breathing in your sweet scent. "I'm sorry I have to go. This publisher is the only one who would accept my calls since... the incident" He pulls away from you and looks down. You reach your hand under his chin, lifting his head so that his warm, chocolate brown eyes are looking into yours.

"It's fine Mort. I am sure you will be brilliant and that they will love you. Like I do."

Mort smiles at you and grabs your hand, dragging you over to the table. "Sit." He says. You sit in the chair and Mort tucks it in behind you, earning a small giggle from you. You watched as Mort went over to the counter and plated up your food. He then brought the plates over to you are paced it down in front of you. You sat in silence for most of breakfast. Mort then reached over to grab your hand. He took it in his, gently rubbing your palm, before turning it over. Mort looked at your cuts. Tens. Maybe even hundreds of little red scars, each with a little sad story to tell. Mort traced his finger gently over the scars, stroking it.

"Mort I-" You began.

"Y/N. You're so beautiful. I am so proud of you." You blushed. "You put your all into everything and you are always open to new ideas. I- " Mort's voice broke. "I don't deserve someone like you after what I did to her."

"Mort. I am not her. I know you would never hurt me." He removed his hand from yours and he put his hand at the back of his neck.

"How do you know that?" Mort asked, his voice getting a little bit louder. "How do you know that I won't turn into him again? Hey? You don't know that."

"I know that she was killed and I know that it wasn't you! It was Shooter, not you. You would never want to hurt anyone, especially your wife."

Mort looked defeated but his anger quickly rose again, "But you aren't my wife. You aren't her. You could never replace her."

"Mort, I-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Mort ran out of the kitchen, grabbed his keys and slammed the front door. Your body sunk to the floor. Your head dropped. Warm tears slipped down your face.

You aren't good enough. You aren't her. You will never be her.

"Stop!" You yelled, slamming your hands over your ears, silencing your thoughts." You ran upstairs and had a bath.

You spent a few hours in the bath, trying to get your mind off of Mort and the incident this morning. Your phone hadn't rung all day so he obviously didn't want to talk to you. This upset you a little but you pushed the thought to the back of your mind. When you got out of the bath, you chucked on the nearest hoodie and leggings. You spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening watching various films that Mort had on his shelves. However, the films soon bored you and you looked outside, the sun was beginning to set in a beautiful pinky-orange tone and you wanted a quick stroll. Grabbing your coat and putting on your shoes, you went out the front door. The familiar voice returned though:

How can he love you when you aren't her. I'm surprised he hasn't already killed you. You're a burden to him.

"Ugh! Come on Y/N, keep it together!" You yelled, trying to silence your thoughts. Tears began free falling down your face again and your feet carried themselves onto a familiar path, it was one you took everyday. When you reopened your eyes, you saw that you were stood by the edge of the cliff. You would normally stand there when you needed to relax. The view was incredible. Strangely, the blue waters below suddenly looked very appealing. You could envision yourself falling into the cool, blue pools. The thought of this filled you and you slowly stepped closer to the edge. You spread your arms out..

A slam of a door and the heavy sound of footsteps could be heard from behind you but this didn't matter. You were almost over the edge. Just imagine how great it would be. No problems. No worries. No cares. No responsibilities. You stepped a foot over the edge.

A pair of arms quickly wrapped themselves around you, pulling you back from the edge. You tried to turn around but your eyes suddenly felt very heavy and drooped shut.

You later awoke in your bed, with Mort sat at your side, hand in yours. "Mort-" Your voice croaked out. Mort's head rose and you looked into his eyes, red, presumably from crying.

"Y/N" He pulled you in to a kiss, ending it quite quickly. He wrapped you in a hug, just holding you there. "I love you. Always have. Always will." He placed a kiss on the top of your head. And he just held you. Safe. In his arms.

The crickets chirped in the surrounding woods as the moon shone brightly, cutting through the darkness of the night. None of that mattered. All that mattered was you and Mort.

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