Trouble and taking care of her

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Elijah sat on the cold, hard metal bench where almost everyone else sat, thinking about the Gatekeepers talking to Tony. The words kept repeating in his head over and over like a broken record.

Prince is supposed to be coming of age...but he's still missing...

"STOPPING AT BARROWEDGE, PLEASE ALIGHT!" He jolted up from his seat and accidentally bumped into a fellow student at the University. He smiled as the other greeted him and they quickly made their way out of the train and onto the platform.

He walked with the other student as he kept his hands in his pockets, humming an old sea shanty to himself. The other student rambling on about homework that he himself didn't know how to to accomplish and didn't want to do either. It barely registered in his mind as he kept thinking about the 'missing' Prince.

They reached the entrance of the University and they bade each other farewell. The University itself was a work of art. The Victorian arches and old stone bricks covered the outside while the insides were all made of sturdy steel. The normal walking floors were made of flagstones and the rest was grass atop dry dirt. There were some trees around the area to provide afternoon students. The lamps that glowed brightly inside gave the students a more productive environment.

Elijah walked slowly to the elevator and pressed the button. Incidentally, Ngaire and her irritating and intimidating boyfriend, Darian came up to him. Darian punched Elijah in the shoulder and chuckled evilly.

"Hey dumbass, what's up?" He sneered and pulled his girlfriend hard against him causing her to wince slightly. She sent Elijah an apologetic look from behind the curtain of her hair, hiding her face from her boyfriend's view. Putting her hair behind her ear, she leant into Darian's pull.

"Baby, be nice!" She said softly and Darian scoffed softly.

"It's alright Ngaire, Darian~" He said the latter's name slightly sarcastically and the man was too busy looking around and winking at the girls that walked by the three of them. Elijah mentally killed Darian over and over again and gave Ngaire a longing look as his eyebrows slanted to the sides showing slight concern. She noticed Elijah's look and she fought it down with a light blush.

Ignore it, ignore it...

She thought and gave him a small shrug to tell him that she was ok. Darian looked back not noticing Ngaire's look or blush and he punched Elijah harder on his shoulder.

"Ay! Looking at my girl, huh?!" He squeaked in his higher pitched voice as he always did when he was angry. Ngaire rolled her eyes, used her boyfriend's behaviour.

Quickly, she grabbed Darian's wrist tightly.

"Leave him alone, he hasn't done anything wrong, okay, baby?" She said, keeping her voice low and soothing trying to calm him down. He growled and gripped her waist and pulled her into the elevator.

"Take the next one bub~" He snarled at the Pooka and closed the doors in front of Elijah, laughing as the door closed. A look of fear flashed on Ngaire's face when the doors closed and she steeled herself for a shout.

"Don't you ever, stop me like that again, you stupid girl!" He shouted at her and slapped her in the face. She winced and let out a loud whimper of pain at the slap after getting knocked into the wall of the elevator from the force he used

"S-Sorry, won't happen again,leaned" She said looking down and away from him. He sneered and pulled on her hair.

"My dad's the Gatekeeper's General so don't you ever, ever! Try that again!" he snarleleantagainst the wall and rolled his eyes, smirking proudly as she nodded nervously as she continued to look down and at the same time as the doors opened up and Elijah walked pass the doors, having taken the stairs. Darian looked at Elijah with one eyebrow raised up as Elijah just strolled into Psychology class casually, without even breaking a sweat from climbing the 2 stories to get to the class. She glanced upwards at Elijah when he walked past the doors before Darian reached into the elevator and yanked Ngaire out of the lift and down the corridor smirking at the popular cheerleaders who consisted of cheetahs and tigers.

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