Ngaire's Interview and Bio

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Ngaire> Hey everyone

Author's girlfriend> Heya Ngaire! Soooooo I heard you visited Elijah! What was it like? Was it as nice as you thought it was going to be? Was it better? Any gossip you can spill? Tell us EVERYTHING!

N> Alright, alright well, I loved it in the end really I did, oh the expectations I had were all just shredded up! And his parents! Oh, they are just, so amazing! Just like he's so amazing~ blushes

Author's girlfriend > Oooooh~ He really does have you wrapped around his finger doesn't he?

N> shoves the other playfully Oh hush you, don't you have a story to give back to someone so he can spin it?

Author's girlfriend >Haha, this is true! Now back to you baby! ;)

Author> Haha thank you sweetie and enjoy the bio of Jess guys and gals! :D


Ngaire's Bio:

Gender: Female

Species: Panther

Fur colour: Honey blonde (Brown with blonde tips)

Parents and/or siblings:

Mother = Juliet

Father = Malcom

Height: 5'4

Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye color: Dark grey

Body Shape: Dancers build/slightly curvy

Personality: Ngaire is a bit over-protective at times, complete worry wort and can annoy people easily and without meaning to sometimes. She does however make it all up with her better qualities by being careful, but kind, generous but not a push over and while she's slightly innocent it doesn't mean she's ignorant

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