1.The Solar Royals Go Missing

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*during a nice night in Canterlot Luna and Artemis are gazing at the moon calmingly*

Luna- *smiles calmly* Ah, what a lovely eve! The moon is a "waxing crescent..."

Artemis- *squints* I think it's a "waning gibbons"

*the two shrug and continue walking*

Luna- *calmly* Whatever it is, 'tis a beautiful night not to be banished to the moon.

*the two hear magic noises coming from the throne room and they see Celestia and Solaris go through a mirror*

Luna/Artemis- *shocked*


*as Twilight and Dusk are walking with Spike and Barbra*

*a stallion with a trench coat and hat walk up to them*

Stallion- *to them solemnly* Twilight Sparkle, Dusk Shine...there is more than one of everything...

*the four look at each other then look back to see that he's gone*

Spike/Barbra- *confused* What was that supposed to mean?

Twilight/Dusk- *looks around* Where'd he go?

*back at the castle Luna and Artemis are looking at the mirror*

Luna/Artemis- *puts their hooves on the mirror but nothing happens* Celestia? Solaris? *worriedly levitates the mirror* Brother! Sister! Get thine hindquarters back here this instant! *sets the mirror down* *worried to each other* Oh dear...

*later that night the Mane 6 and Colt 6 are sitting in seats while Luna and Artemis are talking*

Luna- *serious* We've called you twelve here tonight  because-

Spike/Barbra- *interrupts* Fourteen! Don't forget about us!

Artemis- *nods* Fourteen here tonight because we are most distressed and our siblings tend to call on all of you when they are such.

Twilight/Dusk- *concerned* Princess Luna, Prince Artemis, what's going on?

*Pinkie and Bubble find gum under the table and chew on it much to Applejack and AJ's displeasure*

Luna- *concerned* A week ago, Celestia and Solaris went thorough that mirror and they have yet to return.

Artemis- *nods*

Twilight- *shocked* A week ago and you're just telling us this now?!

Dusk- *shocked* How have you two kept this quiet?!

Luna/Artemis- *remembers their difficulty raising the sun, literally shapeshifting into Celestia and Solaris and keeping up appearances, and Kibitz and Chaffer helping them* *grimaces* ...'Tis been difficult.

Fluttershy- *concerned* The other magical mirror only works once during each cycle of the moon, maybe Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris can't get back until the moon cycles back?

Artemis- *serious* If that were the case, we should have been able to follow them...we could not.

Elusive- *looks at them* If the portal is closed, then what are we supposed to do to about Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris?

Luna- *serious* Come with us, we'll talk on the way.

*they all get up and leave the room*

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