5.Finding Answers Of The Past

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Twilight- *shocked* Star Swirl recorded everything when he was creating the mirror!

Dusk- *shocked* Everything that went into making it, every failure, every detail of a world him, Celestia and Solaris explored!

Mane 5/Colt 5- *shocked* What?!!

*back in the past*

Star Swirl- *shows them the mirror* There it is! Every bit of magical knowledge in Equestria all wrapped up in a reflective surface!

Celestia- *curious* How does it work?

Star Swirl- *explains* Some lands can be accessed through spells, some only through the precise alignment of the moon and the stars...as of right now I've only formed the spells for one other world. Think of the new magic to discover out there...the knowledge we can attain...

Solaris- *concerned* We?! We can't go traipsing about in a different dimension, we have a blossoming kingdom to run and protect!

Star Swirl- *activates the mirror* You say that like the pursuit of knowledge isn't a worthy past time as well as finding different discovers that can benefit our kingdom.

Celestia- *admits* It is worthy, but...

Star Swirl- *steps through* Come along, your majesties. Adventure is out there. *fully goes through*

Celestia/Solaris- *looks at each other in concern but reluctantly heads through* *smiles* So what did we find?

*the three of them are looking at two yellow T-Rex's with three butterflies on their thighs*

Celestia/Solaris/Star Swirl- *grins nervously and stands perfectly still**

T-Rex's- *roars*

*the three shoot out of the portal*

Star Swirl- *admits* Heh! Maybe I pronounced that fifth word wrong? Pronunciation is key!

Celestia- *shocked* *to him* Is this pursuit of magical knowledge or a crazy pony's adventure lust?

Solaris- *worried* We could've been eaten by giant lizard beasts?!

Star Swirl- *smiles* But we weren't!

Celestia/Solaris- *looks at each other and their worried glances turn into excited grins and they look at Star Swirl while levitating paper* *happily* Let's try it again!

And so it continued for decades...

*during one night while Star Swirl is sleeping Celestia and Solaris sneak through the mirror without waking him up*

Star Swirl- *wakes up* *drowsy* Who's there? *notices the spell* *walks to the portal and notices a spell* *picks it up* It seems I am putting the spell for this world away every week or so. *realizes and looks at the mirror* *glares* Or am I?

*he sees the portal shine and Celestia and Solaris walk out*

Celestia/Solaris- *shocked* Oh!

Star Swirl- *serious* How many times have you two been here? *points to the spell*

Celestia/Solaris- *nervous* Not often...

Star Swirl- *yells* How often!

Celestia/Solaris- *admits in shame* On and off... for a while.

Star Swirl- *scolding* You two know what kind of consequences there are to visiting this world too often. We've talked about this. You two promised me...we can't risk it. You two are putting everypony in danger. What could possibly be worth it?!

Celestia- *looks at him with tears in her eyes* What do you think is worth it?

Star Swirl- *serious* No. Celestia, Solaris...No...

Solaris- *sadly* We're sorry...but we can't just...

Star Swirl- *serious* I'm ending this.

Celestia/Solaris- *looks in shock* What do you mean ending this?! You can't we...

Star Swirl- *serious* I will not let you two put your kingdom...and theirs at risk. This is over. Now. *blasts at the mirror* "Kingdom come, and kingdom go. A land so close to our core. Our worlds now severed, ebb and flow. Doth from this point we close the door."

Celestia/Solaris- *crying* NO! At least let us say goodbye!

Star Swirl- *lowers his magic* *serious* I never want to talk about this again. I'm every disappointed in the two of you, Prince and Princess.

Celestia/Solaris- *hurt* *they run out the room with tears in their eyes*

Star Swirl- *sighs* I'm too old for this.

*back in the present*

Twilight- They explored this other world for years! That's how he was so magically advanced! He learned new things from other wizards as they explored and he recorded everything!

Dusk- *shocked* He even used this mirror for the prototype for the other magical mirror that we went through to go after Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare!

Pinkie/Bubble- *notices a bust*

Rarity- *concerned* How could Celestia and Solaris have never mentioned any of this?

Elusive- *concerned* Especially not to their own brother and sister.

Twilight- I don't know...but all the research ends abruptly. He just mentions that there was an incident and he sealed off the portal.

Dusk- Him, Celestia, and Solaris stopped their explorations after that.

Rainbow/Blitz- *curious* What "incident"?

Pinkie/Bubble- *presses a button which reveal a secret passage way* *smiles*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *shocked*

Twilight- *concerned* No idea. It just says he felt too old to continue on by himself.

Dusk- *concerned* There's several missing pages after that. I guess Celestia and Solaris stopped going with him? Why would they stop though?

Twilight- *serious* Lets get this all back to Princess Luna and Prince Artemis.

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* Hey, everypony! Look what we found?!

*they all see the secret passage leading back to the castle*

Twilight/Dusk- *smiles* Thanks, you guys. That's very helpful!

Pinkie/Bubble- *slides down the poles* Whee!

Applejack/AJ- *slides down the poles in shock* WHOA NELLY!

Rainbow/Blitz- *shocked* What the?!

Twilight/Dusk- *looks down worriedly*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *looks down in fear*

*they all go down the poles, bounce off a trampoline, through a basketball hoop, and down a long slide except for Rainbow and Blitz who just fly down*

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