11. An Interesting Development

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*back at the Castle Of The Royal Siblings in the alternate world*

Evil Celestia/Evil Solaris- *sees Luna and Artemis reapper before them* *serious* Luna, Artemis, what have you two found out this time?

Evil Luna- *serious* Everything we needed to hear and then some.

Evil Artemis- *serious* Let us tell you two all about how they plan to imprison us.

Evil Celestia/Evil Solaris- *glares seriously* Do Tell.

*meanwhile back in the present day Equestria*

Luna/Artemis- *angrily at Celestia and Solaris* WE CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO REPLACED US WHILE WE WERE GONE!

Celestia- *concerned* Luna, Artemis, we didn't "replace" you two. We were "going" through very tough times in our lives.

Solaris- *concerned* We needed somepony, any pony to talk to.

Artemis- *glares at them* You two could've brought us from the moon!

Celestia- After Star Swirl had our falling out with us, Sombra, Oscura, and the other Luna and Artemis were our closest friends.

Solaris- *sincerely* And it's another reason why we shouldn't go through the mirror. We're closely bound to the four of you.

Celestia- *sincerely* You're all so dear to us...but you two are the originals. The best ones!

*the two hug them sincerely*

Luna/Artemis- Quite right! Don't you guys forget it!

Celestia- *looks at the green sky in concern* I don't like the looks of the sky. It feels...wrong.

Solaris- *concerned* I'm beginning to to wonder if sending something as powerful as the Elements Of Harmony through the mirror is only adding to the rift.

Luna- *serious* We have no choice but to wait for the return of our champions...shall we have some tea?

Artemis- *nods* It will calm you two.

Celestia/Solaris- *smiles calmly* Tea would be nice.

Luna/Artemis- *yells* SERVANT! TEA!

Celestia- *rolls eyes* We are all capable of getting our own tea.

Luna- *questions* What is the point of being the monarchy if I have to fetch such things myself?

*meanwhile back with the Evil Royal Siblings*

Evil Luna- *yawns* And that's everything.

Evil Artemis- *to their siblings* Do we go out there or let them come?

Evil Celestia/Evil Solaris- *serious* Let them come.

Evil Luna- *arches eyebrow* Why wait? We're going to have to take them all out before they can encase us in crystal.

Evil Artemis- *admits* Pity we won't be able to get the spell to traverse to the other world first. It would've been fun to rain terror upon another land.

Evil Celestia- *smirks deviously* Oh, we'll get that spell out of them. We have our own plan.

Evil Luna/Evil Artemis- *smirks* A plan? Do tell.

Evil Solaris- *smirks darkly* We're going to bring our goody-two-shoes selves here for the fight. Look at the skies...the walls between the worlds are crumbling.

Evil Celestia- *serious* Something has changed. It's those other ponies Sombra and Oscura brought here.  Something is different. They are quickening whatever tear in time and space Sombra, Oscura, and that other Celestia and Solaris caused.

Evil Solaris- *serious* Once the other Celestia and Solaris are here, we have a plan to force the spell to their world out of them. Then their little minions will trap them in crystal and Celestia and I will be free to take over their world without fear of them getting so much as a paper cut and hurting the four of us.

Evil Artemis- *arches eyebrow* Uh...don't you two mean us?

Evil Celestia/Evil Solaris- *glares at them* What?

Evil Artemis- *glares* WE will be free to take over their world. Us.

Evil Celestia/Evil Solaris- *smirks* Of course. Us.

Evil Artemis- *glares at them*

Evil Luna- *realizes* How exactly are you two going to get them here?

Evil Celestia- *smirks* We have multiple ways. Exhaust all our options first.

Evil Solaris- *smirks darkly* You two said that their Celestia and Solaris care about those purple alicorns?

Evil Artemis- *annoyed* Yes. Sombra and Oscura gushed about their intellect and how their Celestia and Solaris praise them and some other pony and they were the ones to figure out the plan to imprison us and they have the time spell and- *their mouths get covered*

Evil Celestia/Evil Solaris- *smirks slyly* What were their names again?

Evil Luna/Evil Artemis- *annoyed* Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine. *disgusted* Their names leave a bad taste in our mouths.

Evil Celestia/ Evil Solaris- *grins darkly* Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine. *to Luna and Artemis* Wait here...we're gonna bring some guests over... *the two turn into purple flames and shoot towards Canterlot Castle*

Evil Luna/Evil Artemis- *thinks* (We really do miss cake...)

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