16. Love Never Dies

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*back in the original Canterlot everyone is helping clean up the mirror pieces*

Luna- *concerned* So that's it then. The mirror's gone.

Celestia/Solaris- *looks down* It's for the best.

Celestia- *looks at Twilight and Dusk in shame* Twilight, Dusk, we're so sorry you two had to learn about all this.

Solaris- *shameful* We are not without our flaws. We hope that you two do not think less of us.

Twilight- *sincerely* Your majesties, if anything it made you two more real.

Dusk- *drapes his wing over Twilight* *sincerely* It helped us see that we can be royalty and not be perfect.

Solaris- *sincerely* We meant what we said, you two would do a fine job ruling Equestria if it came to that.

Twilight- *admits* That doesn't scare us quite as much as it use to...

Dusk- *admits* But for now we're ready to keep being bookworms. *levitates some keys* Princess Luna and Prince Artemis gave us the master keys to Star Swirl's old library!

Celestia/Solaris- *smiles calmly* Hmm?

Twilight/Dusk- *smiles*

*the four share a warm nuzzle*

Celestia- *to all of them* *smiles calmly* You all did so well today. We cannot thank you enough.

Solaris- *to them* We know that we have no right to ask of all of you, but we would appreciate it if word of this adventure did not reach our subjects.

Rainbow/Blitz- *playfully* Another world?

Rarity/Elusive- *swoons* Love and intrigue?

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *playfully sinister* Evil Royal Siblings?

Pinkie/Bubble- *eating the cake* No cake?

Spike/Barbra- *smiles* Where?

Applejack/AJ- *smiles* Who would believe us?

Luna/Artemis- *smiles calmly*

Celestia/Solaris- *sincerely* Thank you.

Twilight/Dusk- *concerned* Your majesties, what do you want us to do with the shards of the mirror?

Celestia/Solaris- *looks at a piece of the mirror* Destroy them. *levitates one shard* Except for this one...to remember.

Luna/Artemis- *concerned* Are you two sure you're alright?

Celestia/Solaris- *admits* We will be in time. *sheds tears on the mirror*

*the two place their wishes and the mirror shards on a tree*

Celestia/Solaris- *sadly* Goodbye Sombra and Oscura.

Twilight/Dusk- *walks up to them with their ears flat* *embraces them*

Luna/Artemis- *walks up to them with their ears flat* *embraces them*

Celestia/Solaris- *wraps their wings around the pairs in an embrace and looks sadly*

*in the alternate world*

Celestia/Solaris- *their image pops up on the statue* *sadly in unison* ...How lucky are we that we had someponies that make saying goodbye so hard?

Evil Sombra/Evil Oscura- *has Celestia's crown and Solaris' helmet* *sheds a tear while looking darkly* Goodbye, our sweet Celestia and Solaris...*they disappear into purple smoke*

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