4.The Athenaeum/A Prince And Princess Questions Destiny

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*meanwhile in the athenaeum*

Twilight- *freaking out* OH MY GOSH! Look over there! It's an original tome of Star Swirl's study of heavenly spheres!

Dusk- *freaking out* And over there! His original diagrams for the uses of practical magic!

Both- *points to his cloak* Look over there! It's his ORIGINAL HAT...COMPLETE WITH BELLS!

Applejack/AJ- *notices* Hey look, cobwebs.

*they all look around*

Twilight/Dusk- *notices a portrait of a teenage Celestia and Solaris* Wow...Celestia and Solaris looks so young in this...

Fluttershy- It's kind of hard to think of them as anything but what they look like now.

Butterscotch- *admits* They've been alive for so long...

Twilight- *admits* I guess it's a little comforting to know that they were new princes and princesses too.

Dusk- *solemn* They had problems just like us. I wonder what they were thinking back then...I can't believe we haven't asked them to tell us about it.

Rainbow- *admits* I think you two might wanna be more like this guy! *points to a picture of StarSwirl* Look at him!

Blitz- *smiles* Didn't you guys tell us that he was the most powerful magical pony that ever lived?!

Rarity- *smiles* And he became Celestia and Solaris' magical council?

Twilight- *admits while looking at the statue* Well, to be honest, that's always where me and Dusk thought our studies would take us...to follow in his hoofsteps. *looks down* I wonder...

Dusk- *next to her* *wraps a wing around her* *looks up* *solemn* It's like looking at two paths, isn't it?

Applejack/AJ- *looks at them* Huh?

Twilight- *solemn* Nevermind, we'll talk about it later.

Dusk- *to the others* Let's get looking for what we came down here for. We need to help Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris.

Applejack/AJ/Rarity/Elusive- *glances at each other*

Rarity- *nuzzles Twilight and Dusk lightly* You two can't just say nevermind after something like that!

Elusive- *nuzzles them* *calmly* We're your friends, Twilight and Dusk! We're here for anything you need...just let us know what you two are thinking...

*the Mane 4 and Colt 4 nods*

Dusk- *to them* We'll start with this...when you all were fillies and colts, what did you think you were gonna be doing when you grew up?

Rarity/Elusive- *flips manes* Fashionistas!

Applejack/AJ- *smiles* Apple Farmers!

Rainbow/Blitz- *smirks* Wonderbolts!

Pinkie/Bubble- *smiles* Professional cupcake tasters!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *smiles* Dentists!

*everyone looks at them*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *admits* What? We liked flossing, okay?

Twilight- Well, me and Dusk always knew we wanted to study magic. We want to do something with all that knowledge we've spent our lives learning...just like Star Swirl did.

Dusk- Just look at all the stuff he's accomplished. *looks at the Celestia and Solaris picture* *worried* Now, we're second guessing if that's going to be something we can continue doing...

Twilight- *worried* What if we're supposed to be more like them! *points to the painting* The weight of that many responsibilities as royalty...the things they had to do. They had to banish their own brother and sister to the moon for a thousand years for ponies' sake!

Both- *worried* Who needs that kind of pressure?!

Rainbow- *smirks* Pfft. Be both. Be magical wonders of the world and royals with the responsibilities of an entire kingdom on their shoulders.

Blitz- *smirks at them* It can't be that hard.

Dusk: *sighs* Easy for you to say, you're not Equestria's newest member of alicorn royalty.

Twilight: *admits* We wanted to be like Celestia and Solaris as they inspired us with their magic but we never wanted to be alicorn royalty. We're grateful for our wings, but all we wanted to do was fix our mistake with StarSwirl's spell and fix your cutie marks back.

Dusk: *spreads his wings* Our wings and alicorn royalty wasn't part of the plan. *sighs*

Pinkie/Bubble- *arches eyebrow* When you two put it that way, it sounds hard.

Fluttershy- *hugs Twilight and Dusk and smiles* You two'll be fine.

Butterscotch: *sincerely* You guys can figure it out.

Twilight/Dusk- *hopeful* You think so?

*Rarity and Elusive nuzzles them*

Rarity/Elusive: *sincerely* We know so...

Applejack- *over by some books* I hate to break up this emotional soirée, but I think I found what we came down here for!

Twilight/Dusk- *gasps happily in unison* OOH! Dusty books! TIME FOR RESEARCH! *they fly towards the books excitedly*

*later everyone is sitting down looking through books and are shocked at what they find*

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