6.Injured Suns

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*back with Spike, Barbra, Luna, and Artemis*

Luna/Artemis- *unamused* We despise this game.

Spike/Barbra- *winning* We like it!

*the Mane 6 and Colt 6 come out of a hidden passage by a picture*

Spike/Barbra- *worried* Are you guys, ok?

Twilight/Dusk- *regains themselves* Princess Luna, Prince Artemis! We found something!

Luna/Artemis- *smiles calmly* Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine! You two astound us...tell all.

Twilight- *smiles* That mirror leads to another parallel universe besides the one me and Dusk already went to. Isn't that neat?!

Luna- *to her* ...Sooo...How do we get through the mirror to find Celestia and Solaris?

Dusk- *clears his throat* Weeeeeell...that's really the only answer we didn't find...

Luna/Artemis- *glares at them*

*the mirror shines which grabs everypony's attention*

Luna/Artemis- *shocked* What...? Brother! Sister!

Mane 6/Colt 6/Spike/Barbra- *relieved* Your highnesses!

*Celestia and Solaris come out of the portal heavily battered and bruised*

Mane 6/Colt 6/Spike/Barbra- *looks in shock and worry*

Luna- *scolding* Celestia and Solaris! Where have you two been?! We had no idea where you were! We had no idea if you two were coming back!

Artemis- *scolding* Do you two know what this kind of stress does to us?!

Celestia/Solaris- *instantly collapses and passes out exhaustively*

Luna/Artemis- *instantly cradles them while at tears* Brother! Sister!

Twilight: *worriedly* Celestia! Solaris!

Dusk: *worriedly to the others* Go get Kibitz and Chaffer and tell them to bring medical supplies!

*Rainbow, Blitz, Applejack and AJ rush out quickly*

Mane 4/Colt 4/Spike/Barbra- *gasps in shock as they see two silhouettes of King Sombra and Queen Oscura*

Fluttershy/Buttetscotch: *screams*

Pinkie/Bubble: *looks in worry*

Twilight/Dusk- *worried* Sombra and Oscura?

Rarity/Elusive: *worriedly* They're alive!

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