New Kid

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(Y/n=your name
L/n=last name
H/c=hair color
E/c=eye color)

(Btw, in this story, you have a water-bending quirk)

(Awase's POV)

It was a normal day, until about half way through the day, Mr. Kan makes an announcement.

"I forgot to inform you kids that we will be getting a new student tomorrow. The class rep and student of their choice will show them around tomorrow morning."

The class starts to murmur.


"Yes, sir?"

"Choose someone to join you tomorrow."

Multiple people were whispering or pleading her. I just sat facing forward, tapping my fingers on my desk.

"Umm, Awase." The rest of the students groan.

"Very well. Kendo and Awase. You two need to be here fifteen minutes before class starts tomorrow." He says.

"Yes, sir." Kendo and I reply.

He didn't tell us what the new kid was like. I wonder if he even knew.

Before we knew it, it was the end of the school day. We headed back to the dorms.

"Why did Kendo choose you?" Kosei says.

"I dunno." I shrug. "I guess since we're friends."

"Pfft. Yeah, right." He replies.

I roll my eyes. At the dorms, I finish my homework, eat dinner alone in my room, shower, play video games, and then get ready for bed.

----Time Skip----

My phone vibrates and plays my favorite song to wake me up in the morning. I wake up extra early so I can go for a run.

After that, I wash up, put on my uniform and my signature headband. I comb my hair, spiking it upwards and combing it back. I pick up my bag and head to the common area to eat some breakfast. I just grab a peach yogurt and a granola bar. I like crushing the granola bar and mixing into the yogurt, eating it that way.

Eventually more of my classmates joined me on the couch. I spot Kendo already rushing out the door.

"Come on, Awase!" She says.

"What? We still have thirty minutes!"

"We have to be there early, remember?" She sighs.

"Oh shoot. I forgot." I quickly shovel the last bites of yogurt in my mouth and throw the cup away.

When we get there, Mr. Kan was already waiting for us.

"Good morning, Kendo. Good morning, Awase." He greets.


"Our new student should be here any minute now. I'll introduce myself, then I'll introduce you two, and then you can take it from there." He explains.

"Sounds good." Kendo says.

"Cool." I add.

"Good morning." We turn around to see Principal Nezu walking beside a girl. She had beautiful (H/c) hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes.

My jaw slightly lowers.

"I'd like you to meet the newest student to UA, (Y/N) (L/N)." Principal Nezu says.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n). I'm Mr. Kan. I'll be your first year teacher here at UA." He shook her hand.

"Hi. I'm Kendo. I'm 1-B's class rep. It's nice to meet you." Kendo is so good at stuff like this.

Then it was my turn.

"Hey. I'm Awase. Yosetsu, Awase. Great to meet you, (Y/n)." She smiled as I shook her hand. I tried to smile back, but I think it might've scared her, because she stopped smiling.

"We're just going to give you a quick tour before class starts." Kendo explains.

"Cool. Thanks. I could use a tour." (Y/n) laughs.

We walk pass class 1-A and the second year classrooms.

"I like your headband." (Y/n) says.

"W-me? You like my headband?"

"Who else is wearing a headband, genius?" Kendo rolls her eyes.

"Oh. Ha. Thanks." This time I smiled causing her to blush.

Haha. She's actually kinda cute.

"So, what's your quirk?" Kendo asks her.

"Oh. I can just manipulate and control water. It's not much."

"Woah! Are you kidding? That's totally awesome!" I exclaim, possibly a little too loud. Whoops.

She laughs. "Thanks. What about you guys?"

"My quirk is called Big-Fist. It's exactly what it sounds like." Kendo explains.

"So you can have big..."

"Fists yeah." They laugh.

"What about you, Awase?" (Y/n) asks me.

"Oh. Uh, my qurik is called Weld. I can basically combine things or make them stick together real tight." I say.

"That sounds really interesting. It seems that might be helpful while using weaponry."

After one full lap around the school, we make it back to class just in time. Mr. Kan assigns (Y/n) a seat right next to Kendo and right in front of me.

(Y/N's POV)

These two kids showed me around. Kendo and Awase. They're both really nice. Kendo seems really smart and Awase's kind of a dork. It's kind of cute.

They invite me to sit with them during lunch. I talked with them and met a few other of our classmates like Tetsutetsu, Kosei, Tokage and Shiozaki.

So far, everyone I've met has been super nice. Well, except for this one guy, Neito Monoma. He was kinda creepy. There's so many interesting people at this school. I was afraid I wouldn't fit in, but here it seems like being different is the same as fitting in. 

I later learned that this high school has dorms. For safety purposes, supposedly. I'll be moving into those tomorrow.

At the end of the day, the rest of the class heads to the dorms. I walk towards the front entrance.

"Bye, (Y/n)!!" It was Awase. He was waving at me, walking backwards with a big smile on his face.

"Bye! See you tomorrow!"

He smiles with his eyes shut and turns around to join his other classmates.

He smiles with his eyes shut and turns around to join his other classmates

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There was a lot I admired about him. His personality, his drive, on top of that, he was cute and good looking.  I hope we can become close friends.

Whole (Yosetsu Awase x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now