Awase's Birthday

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(This whole chapter is (Y/n)'s POV)

The morning after Homecoming.

I felt really worn out tired. I check the time. I only got like six hours of sleep, but I didn't want to go back to sleep.

I try to recall what happened before I fell asleep last night, and then I remembered.

We got back from the dance and changed into our more comfy pajama clothes. After that Awase and I were hanging out in my room.

I remember we were talking about my parents..and then I think I fell asleep. Awase must've went back to his room.

I quickly washed up a bit and then walked over to Awase's room.

I tried the doorknob, which surprisingly, wasn't locked.

I slowly open the door.

"Awase?" I whisper.

I see rustling on his bed, and then his head peek out from the covers.

"Oh, hey. You're awake?" He says.

"Are you?"

He laughs, "Yeah I've been awake for a while, but I didn't want to get out of bed and I wasn't sure if you were up."

He lifts the blanket on his bed, "Wanna join me?"

He sees the surprised look on my face.

"Oh come on. Not like that, you dirty." He scoffs.

I climb in next to him. Under the blanket, he was just on his phone.

"What were you doing in here?" I ask him.

"Texting my dad."

Oh shoot, I totally forgot. Today was Awase's birthday, November seventh.

"Oh, today's your birthday, right?" I say.

"Mhm." He nods, "And what better way to spend it than with my baby."

He gently pulls me by my waist, closer to him and kisses me all over my cheek.

"I really love you, (Y/n). You know that, right?" He smiles.

"Of course. You tell me everyday. And I love you, too."

It was quiet for a few seconds, until he says,

"(Y/n). I want you to come with me later. I want my dad to meet you."

"Really?" Was all I could say.

"Yes. I'm sure he'll love you."

Now I remember why we were talking about my parents last night. Awase asked when he would meet them.

"Besides," he goes on, "my dad's pretty chill."

"Does he already know you have a girlfriend or is he only going to find out today?" I ask.

"Oh, he knows. I made sure he knew a long time ago."

It was a weekend, and a lot of our classmates slept in really late after crashing from Homecoming.

We left the dorms to walk over to Awase's house. We had left before anyone else came out of their rooms.

It was a nice day outside.

We got to the house. It wasn't too far from UA.

Awase brightly smiles at me before ringing the doorbell.

His dad opens the door and greets us.

"Oh! Look who it is!" He exclaims.

He gives Awase a big hug, and then turns to me.

"And you must be (Y/n)!"

"Yes! Hi, nice to meet you." I smile.

Awase looked a lot like his dad, but of course Awase was younger and a bit taller than his dad. His dad wore black square glasses and some of his hair was grey and shorter.

"Come in, come in." He motions us inside.

We follow him towards what I assume is the kitchen. It looked like he had been preparing something.

"Ah. Whatever that is, it smells really good." Awase says.

"It's Yaki. Yaki mochi. Here, try some." He holds a plate out to us. We both take one of the mochis on the plate.

I bite into mine while Awase crams the whole thing into his mouth.

"Mm. Iss good!" Awase says with his mouth full.

"It is really good. Do you cook often?" I ask.

"You could say that. I only do simple recipes."

He takes a seat at the wooden dining table.

"So, (Y/n). How old are you?" He asks.

"Oh, I'm sixteen."

He simply nods.

"And I'm just curious, but what do you usually call my son?"

I didn't fully understand the question.

"Um, I just call him Awase.."

"You should call him Yosetsu. 'Cause I'm an Awase too."

Awa-er, Yosetsu laughs.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." He tells me.

I look back at his dad.

"I like her." Was all he said.

Yosetsu elbows me, "Told you."

We stayed there until around lunchtime. After that, we just went back to the dorms to chill in Yosetsu's room.

I don't know if it was just because it was his birthday or what...but Yosetsu was acting weirder than usual.

He was really touchy and clingy today. I just thought he was "hungover" from homecoming.

"Can we cuddle? Pleeeaaase?" He asks as soon as we walk into his room.

Why not? He's cute.



We were sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall.

"What's up with you today?" I ask him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're being....different."

"Is that bad?"

", bu-"

"Then I don't see a problem." He snuggles up closer.

I playfully roll my eyes.

"Love yoouu." He says all sing-songy.

Okay what the heck. He never acts like this. What's going on-

Whole (Yosetsu Awase x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now