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(Y/N's POV)

It's been a few weeks since I got to UA. I've already made some good friends and adapted to the fast paced lessons and trainings this school has to offer. I've already moved into the dorms with my classmates as well.

After school, recently I noticed that Awase disappears for a while without saying anything. He wasn't in his room and he didn't leave using the front door.

Today, I decide to find out where he goes so I follow him. He walks down the hallway and stops at a closet where we keep cleaning supplies. He goes in and doesn't come out.

I opened the closet door, but he wasn't in there. I look around for some kind of trap door, and notice a black curtain. I push it aside to reveal a ladder..? This is probably where he goes.

I climb up the ladder and open the door. It lead up to the roof. I climb up, only to see Awase wearing headphones, bobbing his head up and down and doing something in a notebook.

"Awase?" I call.

He didn't hear me.

I walk up to him and poke his shoulder. I guess he wasn't expecting anyone else to be up here and he jumped.

He let out a small shriek, probably one of surprise.

"Wh-what, (Y/n)? What are you doing up here?" He asks, shoving the notebook behind him.

"I could ask you the same thing." I reply.

"But how did you find me?"

"I followed you. You're not exactly a ninja, you know."

He sighs.

"Just, please don't tell anyone else about this. It was supposed to be my private space, you know, to be alone."

"Couldn't you be in your room, alone?" I ask.

"Well, yeah, but, it's just better outside." I could tell he was lying.

"Seriously, though. What do you do up here?"

He slowly takes the notebook out and shows it to me, his face tinted red.

He was drawing the sunset.

"You drew that? That looks awesome!" He must be really shy about this.

"Why do you hide it, though?" I ask.

"I tried drawing in the common area before, but the other guys kept teasing me about it, so I decided to keep this a secret. " He sighs.

"That's dumb. You're actually really talented."

He laughs. "Thanks."

Awase takes off his headband and rubs his forehead.

"I'm sweating. Are you hot? I-I mean, like, temperature-wise..?"

I laugh. He's such a dork.

"Yeah. It is kind of hot out here."

"We should go back inside now." He suggests.

We climb back down the ladder. As i'm about to open the door, he grabs my wrist.

"You know, I don't mind you being up there. It's actually kind of lonely. So, uh, you're welcome to join me anytime, b-but only if you want." He smiles.

"Cool. Thanks."

We exit the closet. Everyone was already eating dinner, so we join them.

"Where have you guys been? You're lucky we saved you some food." Kodai teases.

"We were just studying." Awase tells them.

"Sure you were." Tetsutetsu says, raising his eyebrows at us. Awase tenses up and blushes uncontrollably. I just shrug it off.

I grab a plate and sit next to Kendo.

"You've got a thing for him, don't you?" She says.

This caught me off gaurd.

"What? I-I do not!" I whisper yell.

"That's not a bad thing, you know. I think he's into you, too."

My eyes widen as my face starts burning.

That's impossible. No way a great guy like him would be interested in someone like me.

(Awase's POV)

I hate to admit it, but I think i'm into her..!

I've never felt this way before. It's so weird and awkward, ugghhh. She probably doesn't feel the same way. I shouldn't say anything. If I do, it might ruin our friendship, but if I dont, this feeling is going to tear me apart from the inside.

Stuff like this is so confusing. There's too many emotions and feelings. Is 16 an appropriate age to have a girlfriend? What? No, no. Why am I even considering that?

Out of all the people at UA, there's no way she'd ever fall for a guy like me. I mean, what's so great about me? My quirk isn't great, my grades are okay, I guess, and i'm pretty much a loner.

That night, it was impossible for me to fall asleep. My mind kept drifting back to that one thought.

Could she really be into me?

Whole (Yosetsu Awase x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now