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(Y/n) POV)

After getting to know Awase a lot more, I can tell he truly does want to become a great hero. The things he does to keep up with everyone else just shows how dedicated and motivated he is to becoming a hero. He works hard all the time. He says it's not much, but I think he just tells me that so I don't worry about him.

I've tried working with him before, but his workouts and routines are just overload. His usual day goes like this:

Wake up at five a.m. to go on a "light four miles jog," get back to the dorms to get ready for school, eat a light breakfast, go to class, work extra hard during lessons, snack during lunch, finish classes, head back to the dorms, plyometrics and endurance training for two hours, shower, eat dinner, free time, sleep and repeat the next day.

If that's "not much" then what is?

Awase tells me that his quirk isn't that powerful compared to other people's. He strives to be just as strong without his quirk as they are with theirs. I admire that about him, but he worries me. Mostly all work and no fun isn't really a fulfilling life. There's so many things he says he wants to do, but he claims he too busy. Can you believe that he has never been outside of Musutafu or watched a movie in a movie theater? He's really missing out.

But, if that's the kind of life that makes him happy, then I'll support him. I understand that his power doesn't come as easily as our classmates. I also understand that he doesn't want to fall behind. I just hope that he realizes that there's more to life than work. We're still young, there's a lot we have to go through. Sometimes you just have to relax, take it slowly.

I think he's been able to relax a lot more since we started dating. He's not against it, thankfully. I think he's starting to adjust his schedule into an equal balance of work and off-time. There will be some days he'll work out and sweat until the sun goes down, and others where he has no plan for the day and takes it as it comes.

Even though we've gotten really close, he's still a shy, blushing mess when we go out. He has a really soft side that he doesn't really show around most people. That's one of the things I love about him.

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