Attack on UA

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(Yes i'm using a similar idea from my Kamijiro story, but who cares)

(Awase's POV)

We were walking back from gym gamma when the halls shook and debri fell from the ceilings. We all look at each other to see our reactions. We look to Mr. Kan, expecting some sort of answer or something.

Mr. Kan tells us to run. We don't know what for, but follow his lead. We run right past our classroom and to the door of 1-A. We rush in and join them. Mr. Kan leaves all of us, unsupervised. Mr. Aizawa wasn't here either.

One of the 1-A students, Todoroki had an ice quirk and put up a wall of ice to act as a shield. None of us knew what was really going on, but we assumed the worst. Everyone was rambling and panicking,


We all freeze. No one moved.

Then we saw it. A Nomu. It tore the door right off and crashed through the first layer of ice. Todoroki put up another thicker layer of ice. We didn't have much time to think.

Kendo and Iida took action.

"Everyone stay calm!" Iida exclaims.

"We have a plan!" Kendo announces.

They explain that we need to split up and find an exit. We'll stay in groups and only attack if necessary. We don't know what we'll be up against.

Momo Yaoyarozu helps make weapons for those with non-combative quirks and communication devices for each of the groups. If one group found an exit, or needed help urgently, they could let us know. The Nomu had already gotten impatient and left.

We all charge out of the door together in different directions. This was it. We have to make it out of here alive.

(Y/n)'s POV)

We were running down the hall towards the exit that leads to the dorms. I was alongside Awase, Kendo, Iida and Tokoyami. We were almost to the door.

We hear a loud crash from around the corner. Kendo peers around the wall. She silently signals us to get back. Just as we were rushing away, a door falls.

Whatever was there heard it. It was coming right in our direction. We tried running, but that just called more attention to ourselves. It was chasing us.

I peek over my shoudler. There were two villains. One wearing a yellow trenchcoat and one that had muscles and veins literally bulging through his skin.

The muscular villain lunges right as us. His landing shakes the ground causing us to tumble and fall. He grabs my leg and drags me.

"NO!!" Awase screams.

In panic, I used my special move. I didn't take into consideration that I could hurt my friends. It was a bad idea. It just washed us closer to the villains and only slightly pushing them back.

The villain picked me up by the arm. Kendo, Iida and Awase were doing their best to help, but Tokoyami's quirk didn't do well with all the leftover water.

Awase had a sword that Yaoyarozu had made. He tried jumping at the villain, it was no use. The villian caught Awase, threw his sword aside and held him by his neck. He was choking!

"Let them go!" Kendo yells.

I try kicking and shooting water at the guy, but it was useless. Awase was also kicking, trying to hold onto his life. He finally got a good kick right into the villain's face.

He dropped us and we ran as fast as we could. We weren't paying attention and didn't notice where the other villain went. The muscle villain was still chasing us. We round the corner.

"Well...who do we have here?" It was the villain in the yellow trenchcoat. He was blocking the exit.

Kendo activated her big fists. I was charging up my special move again. Awase had picked up a few slender pieces of rubble and welded them together creating a makeshift staff.

"Woah, woah, there! I'm not much of a fighter as you may see. I won't fight you, but I also won't let you kids get through this door."

"If you're not gonna move, we're gonna go right through you!!" Kendo threatens.

Iida tried running into the villain at top speed, but the villain was fast. He put up his hand and Iida...just...disappears?!

"What did you do to him?!" Awase shouts.

"I told you. I'm not much of a fighter." The villain laughs.

Awase charges at the villain and manages to strike his legs. The villain stumbles and grabs his arm. Awase was gone!

Before we could say anything, Tokoyami attacked using his Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow was huge. Submerging the hallways in darkness. I could barely see. When Tokoyami retracted, the villain disappeared. So did Kendo.

"(Y/n)!" Tokoyami tries to grab my arm.

Something else got me first. The yellow trenchcoat villain did to me what he had to Iida, Awase and probably Kendo.

It was dark. It was cold. I couldn't move. I felt like I was asleep, sitting there hoping that this was all just a terrible nightmare.

What did he do to us? Where was I? Where were my friends?

Am I even alive?

Whole (Yosetsu Awase x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now