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(Awase's POV)

Homecoming is in two days. Let that sink in. Preparation's got me really stressed. A few days ago, I asked (Y/n) if she'd go with me, and of course she said yes. My dad also let me borrow his vest and I went and bought a shirt to wear under it. 

And yesterday, I thought there was some kind of emergency or something because Tetsutetsu burst into my room. Turns out, he had asked Kendo to be his Homecoming date and he wanted me to help him learn how to dance. Apparently I'm one of the only guys who knows how to slow dance properly.

Anyways, we did that. We've all been getting super excited and nervous at the same time. I'm sure everything will be fine, though. Hopefully better.

-----Time Skip-----

(Y/n)'s POV)

Today is Homecoming, but we still have a normal school day before before that. I can tell everyone's anxious to get out of here. I am too, honestly.

Everyone couldn't stop talking about Homecoming at lunch. It's gonna be great.

Also at lunch, Kendo asked me how Awase had asked me to be his girlfriend. She explained that she was getting nervous that Tetsutetsu might ask her.

I told her that if it happens, just let it happen. Do whatever your heart tells you to do; your first instinct.

The school day finally ends and we all get back to the dorms. The dance didn't start until later, so we had plenty of time to relax and then get ready.

I was in my room, trying to get some homework down when I heard a commotion downstairs.

I peek my head out of my room to see if I could hear what was happening.

"What'd you do with it?!" It sounded like Monoma.

"I gave it back to you! You probably just lost it." And I'm pretty sure that was Tetsutetsu.

After I heard Monoma stomp back up the stairs and into his room I just continued minding my own business. I was peacefully getting my work done while most of the others were rushing around trying to get some last minute things done.

About more than an hour before the dance started, most of us ate an early dinner and then we all got ready.

Awase and I agreed not to see each other until we were both 100% ready.

We all wanted to head to the dance together so we all waited for eachother.

(Awase's POV)

I was one of the first people ready. I sat on a couch on my phone waiting for everyone else.

Eventually,  (Y/n) joined us in the common room.

I walk up to her and clear my throat.

"Wow..y-you look great." I manage to say.

She laughs.

"You do too." She smiles.

"So, are you ready?"

"Only if you are."

We linked arms as we walked out. I could feel my face get warm as I thought about how lucky I was.

(Y/n) looked amazing. I couldn't make eye contact with her for too long without grinning like an idiot.

(Y/n)'s POV)

My first thought when I saw Awase was, "He cleans up nice."

And then I felt embarrassed that that was the first thing that came into my mind.

Oh, who cares. I'm in love.

Everytime Awase looked at me, he smiled.

We're usually not shy around eachother, but his gaze was doing something to me.


When we got to the venue, music was already bumping and the party already started.

We joined everyone on the dance floor, which was a giant mosh pit at the moment.

Everyone was having fun, laughing, dancing, and just having a good time. It was a nice break from all the stress from classes.

Eventually, the craziness toned down, and they started playing slower songs.

Then one specific song came on.

I recognized it.

This was one of Awase's favorite songs. He must've requested it.

I turn around and there was Awase standing right in front of me.

I practically ran into him, I found my hand on his chest, trying not to bump into him. 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there." I say.

"No worries." He takes my hand, "Can I have this dance?"

I nod.

He leads us to the wooden floor. The lights were dimmed and the music wasn't blasting like before.

He didn't even have to say anything. Awase knew what he was doing.

"Woah, I didn't know you could slow dance so well." I say, looking up at him.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." He replies.

"Like what?"

He chuckles, "Do you know my nickname name?"

I thought about it.

"You have a nickname? What is it?"

"It's Yosy."

I laugh this time.


"Yeah, but no one calls me that anymore."

He stared into my eyes, biting his lip like he wanted to tell me something.

"What? Why're you looking at me like that?" I ask.

He leans closer and whispers into my ear,

"You make me crazy."

I squeezed his shoulder.

He swiftly moved from my ear to my lips.

He kept pulling me closer and closer, I felt like I was floating, my entire body tingling.

He eventually pulled away, the both of us opening our eyes.

We were both breathing heavily.

I laugh softly, "And I thought you were a good boy."

He picks me up, sweeping me off of my feet.

"And like I said, there's a lot you don't know about me."

Whole (Yosetsu Awase x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now