chapter three

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C H A P T E R   T H R E E
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Monday's were always, and I mean without fail, the worst days of my life. I mean, getting up at an ungodly hour was one thing but dragging myself to the office was quite another— especially when a certain blonde needed a lift to the station, but was taking her time in getting ready. Besides, my ex boyfriend had been born on a Monday, so if that didn't convince you that they came right out of the Devil's arse, I don't know what will.

"Kate, hurry up or I'm leaving without you!" I called up the stairs, resisting the smirk ebbing at my lips when I heard what sounded to be her stumbling and then fall over.

"Look, I'm here aren't I?" She said slumping into my car, once I'd told her I'd wait five minutes there and if she still wasn't out, I'd go without her. "With some time to spare."

Well, that was a lie. I didn't bother correcting her.

"Why are you going into the city again?"

It wasn't really 'into the city,' only into for a few stops and then straight back out again.

I pulled out into the road.

She'd sprung it on me that she would be needing a lift today the previous night, knowing I'd be more likely to accept when I was exhausted and would say anything if it meant getting to my bed faster.

"Mum's gone off on one again," she said, leaning her elbow on the side and resting her head on her hand. "I'm mainly going for Seb, though. Bit of moral support."

Kate's mother was definitely something. The first time I'd met her, which had been in Harrod's, had been quite the experience, to say the least. A mini argument over the cleanliness of shop-bought, £15 pineapples and let's just say, it didn't take much to wonder why Kate wanted to distance herself from her family.

I pulled up on the curb, where taxis were only really allowed, but I'd only be a few minutes.

"I'll meet you after work, yeah?" I called as she got out. "Give you a lift back?"

She seemed lost in though for a moment, but my question wrenched her away from them. "Yeah, sure." She hoisted her bag further up her shoulder and fixed her air in the window. "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck," I said, laughing slightly. "You'll be fine."

She stepped away from the car, long legs and heels letting her trek the distance into the station and out of view pretty quickly. I noticed a few stray eyes watching her go. Don't blame you, I thought to myself as I caught the last glimpse of my model-like best friend.

I eased off the curb as a yellow jacket man with a stern face started coming towards me. No doubt to shoo me away. Wānker.

On the way work, I couldn't help pitying Kate. I knew she loved her really, but her mother sure was a lot to handle.

She would probably be needing more than just 'luck' to get through her visit.

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"Fûck me right in the arse!" Jamie, my desk mate, let out when I relayed my weekend. I'd left very little out, which was strange for me to do, but then I realised I'd never see that guy again so what would it matter?

"Zack already does that, hun," I said to him.

Zack and Jamie had been going strong for a good five years. I'd met Zack about two years ago, when Jamie had first had the courage to get him to come along to a work dinner. To say they were opposites would be an understatement— whilst Zack was very put together, tall and fair, Jamie was scrappier, shorter and brunette. But then, you'd have to be blind to not realise how much they loved each other, despite the endless taunts and jibes they threw at one another for most of the evening.

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