III. Yukio Hasegawa, the delinquent.

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His name is Yukio Hasegawa... Just like the other two, he is 16 years old. When it comes to school, he is always clumsy. He never uses the white T-shirt, he prefers blue ones and always uses a black jacket wrongly, putting it on his shoulders and letting it fly with the wind, blonde and short hair, with blue eyes. He lives on Dahi that, as well as Yamataka, is located in the province of Fugi.

Since his 10 years, he always had trouble with gangs and these things; the people of the school always despised him, he always suffered. And because of these people who have always made him suffer, he grew strong and basically, a delinquent.

He does not respect people anymore, only his new 'bandit friends', but one day, at his 15, Yukio and his 'friends' went to rob a nightclub, the thing he least expected was betrayal...

"Hey guys, here, it seems the little Yukio found an exit but it's actually an ambush, hahah..." One of them said while found a place to hide.

"Are you implying he's a traitor?"

"Of course he's a traitor, damn, he never did things right, even teaching him, c'mon, I'm pretty sure he's a police spy!"

"He may not know that this place is actually an ambush..."

"Shut up, you fucking shit, I never trusted that boy, now I'm sure he's not one of us!"

While they argued there, Yukio was on a door, seeing that cops were coming, he called his colleagues one more time, without knowing what's happening.

"Hey, guys! I found the exit, let's go, or the cops will get us!" He's calling them, but no one came... the really strange thing, is that no one came... He does not understand why. "C'mon, where are you guys? Answer me...! Damn, the cops are coming, I gotta go without 'em...!"

And he left the nightclub through that door, but what he least expected, was that the cops were already there... Indeed an ambush.

"Hands up!"

As Yukio notice this, there was nowhere to run... He was caught.

One day after being caught, the police discovered that his parents live in another city, Yamataka. He was sent there, and he was being watched by police now...

One year after everything that happened to him, Yukio is now 16, and after one year studying as hard as he can just to show that he was being a good kid... The police stopped watching him, and he's now free... Now he's the delinquent he was before, the same way of dressing, the only thing that changed on his appearance was that he uses a padlock reamer. He skips class every time he can. Depending on the person, they may be afraid of him.

He has some friends that he can call real friends... Shuichi Watanabe, a guy with a black hair, big fringe, covering his eyes and Takafumi Kudo, a guy with brown hair with a pompadour style. With them, they are The Delinquents.

First day of school, he's already in the class, just looking out the window... His seat is at the last table in the row near the window... As he heard about a new student, he looked out of the corner of his eye... An armpit length straight brown hair student, with green eyes... Seems to be no one to worry about... It's just a random guy.

And suddenly, someone opened the door— oh, it's Ren. The same thing, he took his seat, Akechi introduced himself, the saaame thing.

It's the interval; he's heading to the terrace with his two friends, Shuichi and Takafumi.

"Neee, what we gonna do? We already skipped the first classes—" Shuichi was talking but Takafumi interrupted him.

"Of course, we will go back and study, right, Yukio?"

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