VI. The awakening: "The Hell Flames"!

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And our boys stopped walking. Who are those guys? Five guys stopped them. One thought that Akechi would not be able to use his katana because he thinks that Akechi doesn't know how to use it... He's wrong. Akechi did kendo when he was younger so now, he will be able to stop that strange guy.

As soon as the strange guy approached Akechi, he just unsheathed his katana and 'attacked' then cutting that man's shirt sleeves in pieces.

"W-What?!" The guy fell on his back, widened eyes.

"Oi, Yukio, you saw this?" Ren asked

"Don't fuckin' call me by my first name I already said. But yeah I saw." Yukio answered

And then a big guy appeared, man, look at his size. "You boys aren't normal. I... I can see with my eyes."

"We aren't normal... Masayoshi, Hasegawa !" Ren knew he was saying Akechi's first name so, he tried calling him by his second name because well, it's normal in Japan, right...? And after saying this, the three looked at the big man. "I have to do it, are you guys ready?"

"Huh? Ready? For what?" Yukio asked him

"...?" Akechi tilted his head.

"Just say yes, shit!" Ren answered both.

"... Yes!" Both now answered Ren's previous question.

And Ren lifted his right hand... And a red energy appeared on his hand... Their bags disappeared as their costumes, disguises, whatever you want to call it, appeared on them.

"Whatta hell? I didn't even buy one!" Yukio shouted as a costume from P@yday 2 appeared on him.

"But it seems you already had one in mind." Ren said seriously, looking at their now enemies.

Ren with his... J*ker costume and Akechi with his prince costume

"I know you're a demon, big one!" Ren pointed to this big guy.

"Alright, alright, the kids here won. I am a demon. And this is my Treasure, the Factions." The four mans around him smirked.

"What? A demon with a Treasure?!" Ren can't believe.

"You don't know? Demons can have Treasures too, little Special Energy." It said as the men around him turned to human shape to a demon shape with blue color, it seems blue is the default color for at least these ones.

"I have a letter in the sleeve, Hasegawa, Masayoshi, I will try to woke up my Treasure!"

"What? For real, boy? So go on, try it!" Yukio said to him.

The creatures started approaching them, Akechi summoned a chain and grabbed it with his left hand, the katana wielded by his right arm.

"Y'know I have a letter in the sleeve too!" Yukio made a finger gun with his right hand and pretended to shoot in the head of one of them "Bang."... And that demon felt offended by him and went to attack. When he almost attacked, a laser left the tip of Yukio's finger. A light blue laser and he smirked after hitting the demon's head. "Hmhm hahahah... I knew it! I knew I still had this! This is really awesome!" He shouted as he started pointing to the others...

Akechi is running towards two, chain in the left hand, katana in the right hand, he jumped, cutting the demon on his right with the katana, and using the chain like a whip, he tried to catch up the other that was already running!

Meanwhile, Ren was staring at the big thing's face.

"So, can we start fighting? I can't wait to fight with you..."

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