IV. The awakening: "The Executioner and its Chains"!

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Ren Kurusu was walking, during the interval, he had no place to go and... He saw in one of the walls that... it was where the clubs were announced and he got an idea. "May I... create a club...? I remember, that girl said I can relate to that Other World... Maybe if I make a club and try to find some people who are just like me... Right, I will do this!" And he ran to the teachers' room, where would teacher Naomi be... She is also responsible for the clubs. He entered there, in the teachers' room, saw her and went towards her... Before he ever spoke an 'a', she noticed his presence... That was strange.

"Kurusu Ren, need something?" She said. He was a little frightened because he had not said anything, and she was on her back and just... Noticed him like this.

"Eh... I was thinking, I want to make a club—" She interrupted him.

"Club...? You will need one more member. Come back when you have someone." He was about to answer her but... He thought twice and just left.

"I need someone... One member... Maybe... Yes, I have Kashima-kun!"
And he ran, searching for Satou Kashima, when he finally found him, decided to ask. "Kashima-kun, do you have moment?"

"Of course I have, Ren-senpai! What do you need?" Satou Kashima seemed better now.

"Hm... I wanted to ask if you would like to join my club..." And after saying this, Satou just shaked his head, meaning a no.

"S-Sorry, Ren-senpai, I am already in a club, you know...?"

"Ah, I see... Sorry for bothering!" Ren rubbed the back of his head, he wasn't expecting that.

"T-There's no problem, Ren-senpai!" Satou gave him a awkward smile

"Anyways, I need to search for another one... Bye." And he turned his back to Satou and started walking... He looked back and saw Satou, who already was on his back... He looked right at him and saw a strange thing... It is a... Ball, yeah, a strange ball inside of him, like it was an X-ray. He could be able to see inside of Satou and saw nothing but a white ball... Strange.
Satou Kashima is a... Phantom Energy?! Ren looked forward trying to control himself, he can't believe that the real Satou Kashima is... Already dead.

Walking, he stumbled on someone.

"Shit, look where you're going, boy." A blonde guy said. "Hey, you're the guy from before, aren't you?"

Ren would notice who that guy is.

"Oops! Ahn... And you are the blonde guy from before, damn why you didn't help me?" Ren asked.

"Probably because the group would attack me if they saw me... And lookin' at you, you're Kurusu Ren from my class, right?"

"And you are Hasegawa Yukio... Ah, taking advantage of the fact you're here, would you like to join my club?"

"Club? Pffft, I don't want to waste my time with this kind of shit. Let's get going, Shuichi, Takafumi." After saying this, Yukio and his friends passed by Ren and suddenly...

"I know you have a secret, Hasegawa Yukio."

Yukio stopped. "Secret? What secret, Kurusu Ren...?"

"I know you can see that I am not human... And you're trying to believe that this thing doesn't exist, right?
You're not human too." He does not seem to be talking loud but, talking by telepathy...

"What the hell?!" He turned to Ren that was looking at him already and smirking, almost punching Ren on the face, Yukio stops. "Alright, I will join your club."

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