You and Me: Part 1

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- Y/n's POV:

When Corbyn was around at home, Ben stayed far away from me. After what he did to me, I wanted him to stay as far away from me as possible, and after Corbyn found out, Ben did stay away... for a while.
Corbyn is in a really famous band called Why Don't We. They're touring all around the world for a year.

As soon as Corbyn left for tour, he started acting up again. Ben started following me again, hurting me again, he was back to his old ways. I didn't tell anyone for a while, but when Corbyn started FaceTiming me , he saw the bruises that were on my face. He called Ashley, who told my mom. Corbyn said he wanted me to join him on tour so that he could keep me safe and away from Ben.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the gesture, but I'm 18 and I need to look after myself. But, as always, Corbyn always gets his way.. so I ended up coming on tour. I leave tonight.

- Corbyn's POV:

Corbyn- "Ok guys, Y/n's plane is landing in an hour, I'm going to go pick her up, does anyone want to come?"
Jonah - "I will, I haven't seen Y/n in ages."
Daniel -"So will I."
Zach- "Me too, I've missed her."
Jack- "I'm coming AND I call dibs boys!"
Corbyn- "Dude, she's my sister! And I meant to talk to you guys about that..."
Jonah- "About what?"
Corbyn- "Well, y/n isn't actually coming here for a holiday.... she's coming here for a kind of protection thing..."
Jack- "Protection against what?"
Corbyn- "Do you guys remember the time that I FaceTimed y/n, and I got really mad because of the bruises on her face?"

The boys all nodded.

Corbyn- "Well, she got those bruises from her ex-boyfriend, Ben."
Jonah- "Wait ,so you mean..."
Corbyn- "Yeah, so she is coming here to be safe and also to get some space, her anxiety got a lot worse because of this and being at home isn't what she needs right now... she also doesn't need 4 boys chasing after her."
Zach- "Ok, ok, we get it."

2 hours later

*Phone Call*

Corbyn- "Hey y/n, have you landed?"
Y/n- "Yeah Corbs, I'll be there soon,"
Corbyn- "Ok, all the boys are with me, just to warn you,"
Y/n- "That's ok, I'm just getting off the plane now so I'll see you in a bit, ok?"
Corbyn- "Ok, Y/n/n, see you soon,"
Y/n- "Ok, byee,"

*End of phone call*

- Y/n's POV:

I got off the plane and walked down the steps. The hot LA breeze hit my face, I couldn't tell if I wanted to be here or not, but at least it has nice weather.

I went to get my luggage and heard the boys, of course, I hear them before I see them. They may be a tad annoying, but at least it won't be a boring 12 months.

Corbyn- "Y/N!"

I heard Corbyn shout my name and saw him run towards me. Another plus about being on tour - getting to spend time with my big brother. I miss him a lot when he leaves, probably because I'm not as close with Ashley or Jordan. Me and Corbyn were a good team when we were little; I lost my best friend when he joined the band, but I'm really proud of him and I'm happy he's doing what makes him happy.

Corbyn picked me up and swung me around. I laughed, I haven't laughed for a while, I must admit it felt good to laugh with Corbyn and be with him again.

Y/n- "Hey Corbs, I missed you."

Now, all of the boys were around us.

Corbyn- "I missed you too, baby sis."
Y/n- "I'm not a baby anymore Corbyn."
Corbyn- "You are MY baby sister, y/n, so therefore you are a baby!"
Y/n- "By 2 years Corbs! 2 tiny years!"
Corbyn- "Whatever y/n/n..."

Corbyn ruffled my hair and messed it up, he does that a lot.

Jonah- "Hey y/n, I missed you!"
Y/n- "I missed you too Jonah,"
Zach- "Y/N!"
Y/n: "ZACH!"
Zach- "I missed you, it's been FAR too long!"
Jack- "Hey y/n, I missed my best friend!"
Y/n- "I missed you too Jacky"
Daniel- "Hey y/n/n,"
Y/n- "Hey Dani, I missed you,"
Daniel- "I missed you too,"

Daniel pulled you into a tight hug, i always liked how caring he was as a person; but he was being more nice than usual, almost like he was being cautious, and come to think of it, all of the boys were.

Daniel- "Here, let me get your bags,"

I had lots of luggage so Corbyn, Jack, Daniel and Zach went to go and lift it, so it was just me and Jonah.

Jonah- "No, but seriously, it's been far too long,"
Y/n- "Yeah, I missed you guys so much."
Jonah- "Me too..."

His voice trailed off. I could tell there was something he wanted to say.
Me and Jack are best friends, but in a goofy kinda way. We pull pranks, make jokes and just laugh, we're never serious and we just chill out and have fun.
Me and Jonah are best friends too, but in a different way. Jonah is like an older brother to me, I tell him everything and vice versa. So I know him inside and out, just like he knows me inside and out; So I can tell when there's something up.

Y/n- "Jonahhh..."
Jonah- "Y/nnnn.."
Y/n- "Did you forget I could read you like a book?"
Jonah- "I have no idea what you're talking about.."
Y/n- "Jonah, I know when you're lying better than I know myself... it's like a sixth sense or something..."
Jonah- "I don't see your point y/n..."
y/n- "Look Jonah, whatever you want to tell me or ask me , just do it, we're best friends it doesn't matter."
Jonah- "Ugh, ok, so I was just wondering why you didn't tell me, I thought we told each other everything..."

My heart skipped a beat. No, no, no, no, no.

Y/n- "Tell you what Jo,"
Jonah- "About Ben, about your bruises and your anxiety, about how he... did all that stuff to you, we're supposed to be open books, remember?"

No. No. No. This can't be happening, this was the ONE thing that would ruin it all.

Y/n- "Who told you that?"
Jonah- "Corbyn..."

My eyes started to fill up with tears, I felt light headed, I needed to get out of there. I don't know what came over me, but I just bolted to the nearest bathroom.

Jonah- "Y/N! Y/N! WAIT!"

But I couldn't stop...

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