You and Me: Part 4

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Y/n's POV-

After Christina and I were all caught up, the boys came back into the house.

Christina: "You Guys, we were talking for over an hour, where were you?"
Zach: "Look dude, all I know is, we were in the pool and still heard you guys doing that girl scream thing."
Y/n: "Fair play haha"
Corbyn: "So baby sis, you liked your surprise?"
Y/n: "I loved it Corbs, Thankyou."
Corbyn: "I know Christina is pretty good with all the anxiety stuff so I thought it would be good for you."
Y/n: "I really appreciate it Corbs."

The boys came back in and we watched a movie.

Jack: "I am so hungry guys,"
Zach: "Me too."
Jonah: "Yea I need food, stat!"
Daniel: "Me too,"
Corbyn: "Y/n, can you make those chicken things you always made at home?"
Y/n: "Ugh fine, but you owe me big time Corbs!"

I made my way to the kitchen and started cooking, I heard the boys and Christina talking in the living room, although I didn't hear what they were saying.

I finished my chicken meal and plated it up to give to the boys. I brought in the food and set it on the table. Jonah sat at the head of the table, Jack and Zach sat on either side of Jonah, Corbyn and Christina sat beside Zach and Daniel and I sat beside Jack.
The atmosphere was weird. No one made eye contact with me, and Corbyn and Christina we're especially shifty and uncomfortable. Daniel was looking at me, almost like he was upset.

Y/n: "Is everything Ok guys?"

They all looked at each other. It was silent, you could have heard a pin drop.

Y/n: "Guys?"

Corbyn and Christian exchanged glances before Christina started to speak.

Christina: "Y/n, have you umm, have you checked your phone recently?"
Y/n: "Not since I was at the airport, why?"

No one spoke. I started to get worried. I sat down.

Y/n: "Guys, why?"

Jonah: "You're phones been blowing up from a lot of different numbers, they've been saying stuff about Ben...."

I felt sick to my stomach.

Y/n: "What-What-What have they been saying?"

I started to shake. Daniel noticed. He put his hand on my leg, it helped me to stop.

Jonah: "I don't think you want to see it.."
Y/n: "No, I do, I want to see it.."
Corbyn: "Y/n, I don't think that's a good idea..."
Y/n: "No , I need to see it."

Christina handed me my phone. It was turned off, I turned it on and as soon as the screen lit up, it started to vibrate from all of the messages I was getting. 100s of messages started to flood in. I recognised Ben's number.. then I realised the area code was the same, it was Ben and all of his friends.

Y/n: "Excuse me..."

I got up from the table and went upstairs. I sat on the top of the stairs and read through the messages...


#1: watch your back
#2: you're not safe
#3: we know where you are
#4: we will find you and get you again
#5: don't think because you're with Corbyn you're safe
#6: see you soon

*end of texts*

I heard Daniel coming up the stairs. The tears were streaming down my face. I was shaking again. I couldn't breathe.

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