You and Me: Part 9

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Jonah's POV-

I saw Daniel storm off. I grabbed Svea's hand and ran after Daniel.

Jonah: "Daniel! Daniel wait!"
Daniel: "I need to find her."
Jonah: "Daniel, stop."

I grabbed Daniel's arm. He stopped and looked at me.

Daniel: "Jonah I need to get to her before she does anything stupid!"
Jonah: "Look, I know you're angry right now but you can't be mean to her, you've already done some questionable shit today, Y/n has a lot of stuff going round her head at the moment."

Daniel's POV-

I yanked my arm free of Jonah's grip and ran to the tour bus. The door had now been locked and y/n's stuff had been picked up. I walked upstairs and the pill bottle had been removed and there were no pills on the ground anymore. The blankets were folded but the movie was still playing. Y/n must still be here.

I looked around and saw the bathroom door open and the light was on, I walked over to find y/n.

Daniel: "Show me your arms."

Y/n spun round and looked like a deer in the headlights.

Daniel: "Im not playing y/n, show me them."
Y/n: "Daniel what do you-"
Daniel: "Y/n, Svea told us she saw them. Show me your arms."
Y/n: "No Daniel, why don't you go and find Je-"
Daniel: "Look, I'm going to explain about Jenna in a second, but I need to see this first."
Y/n: "Why should I trust you?"

I was getting frustrated. I grabbed her wrist and tried to pull up her sleeve. She tried to kick me and punch me but it didn't work.

Daniel: "I'm sorry, Y/n."

I pulled up the sleeve of her sweater to find loads of cuts. Some of them were so fresh they were still bleeding. I looked over at y/n, who had tears in her eyes.

Y/n: "I told you not to.."

I lifted her up onto the sink and cleaned her arms. She flinched every time water hit her skin.

She didn't speak to me the whole time.

I finished cleaning her arm and lifted her off of the sink. I tried to talk to her but she marched out of the bus to the main stage.

Y/n's POV-

The last 2 hours were a blur. Daniel has found out my secret, everybody would know soon enough, but now I had to pretend everything was fine.

Y/n: "Hey Jonah, where's Svea? I need to talk to her."
Jonah: "I think she's with Zach and Reese back stage..."
Y/n: "Ok, thanks."
Jonah: "Hey Y/n? I need to talk to you later."
Y/n: "Ok."

I knew what Jonah had to talk to me about. But I didn't want to think about it. I had to talk to Svea.

I walked backstage and saw Corbyn, Christina, Zach and Jack trying to talk to Svea, who was sat on the floor with her hands covering her eyes. They must have all known now.

Y/n: "Hey Guys,"

They all looked up at me. Corbyn looked so upset, he stormed past me. Christina followed him.

Christina: "Corbyn, Wait!"

She looked at me with an "It's ok, I'll talk to him" Look. Zach and Jack looked sad too.

Zach: "Hey Y/n."

They managed a weak smile and then there eyes darted to my arms, which were covered by my sweater.

Y/n: "Do you guys think I could talk to Svea for a minute?"
Jack: "Sure..."

Jack and Zach left and it was just me and Svea. I slid down the wall and sat beside her.

Y/n: "Hey Svea."
Svea: "Hi..."

Her voice trailed off to a whisper, I could barely hear her.

Y/n: "So, Daniel told me you saw something that scared you a little bit earlier.. you wanna talk about it?"
Svea: "I saw the marks... those marks mean you're gonna go away... I don't want you to go away."

Svea started to cry. I pulled her into a hug and cuddled her close.

Y/n: "Svea, I promise you, I'm not leaving, ok?"
Svea: "You promise?"
Y/n: "I promise."

Svea got up and ran to Jonah, who swung her round the stage. I still couldn't see Corbyn or Christina: I wonder where they went.

We all went back stage so that fans could start to come in to get there seats.

All of the  boys except Corbyn were getting ready to go on stage when Jenna walked into the room.

Jenna: "Hey Dani."
Daniel: "Hey Jen."

He had a nickname for her. Let's see how this goes.

Jenna: "We still on for tonight?"
Daniel: "Look Jenna, I don't think I can make it tonight, I'm sorry."

Jenna looked at me and then back to Daniel.

Jenna: "And why not, Dani?"
Daniel: "I appreciate the gesture, but I have other things going on right now."
Jenna: "But you're my boyfriend Dani? What are you talking about other things?"

My heart stopped. I tensed up. Zach noticed and sat beside me.

Daniel: "Jenna, we dated for 6 months last year, I ended it, it's over; it has been over for a long time."
Jenna: "Dani, What the fuck? You're only ending this with me because of Corbyn's pathetic little sister! It's not my fault she wants to kill herself, you need to stay with me!"

Daniel started to say something to Jenna but I couldn't hear.

My blood ran cold. I couldn't hear anything. I started to shake again. People knew. People know about my biggest secret; someone had trusted JENNA, of all people, with my big secret.

I felt a hand on my shoulder that brought me back to the real world.

Zach: "Y/n, we're gonna go onstage now, Christina is in left wing with Reese and Svea if you wanna go watch with them."

I got up and walked to Christina. She looked at me with a weak smile.

Christina: "Hey y/n."
Y/n: "Hey C."
Christina: "Jonah told us.."
Y/n: "I guessed."
Christina: "Don't be mad at him, we had to know, it was important."
Y/n: "I know C, I'm not mad."
Christina: "Jack told me what Jenna said."
Y/n: "Yep."

I looked at the ground. Tears started to well in my eyes and fall to the floor.

Christina: "But atleast now you know that Jenna is a control freak bitch, Daniel would never be dating her! He loves you Y/n!"
Y/n: "I know that now, C. Is Corbyn mad at me?"

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