You and Me: Part 13

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Y/n's POV:

I turned round to see Ben. He was alone, but somehow looked more powerful then ever. Daniel ran to my side, I stood behind him.

Ben: "You didn't think you would get rid of me that easy?"
Daniel: "Get out. Now."
Ben: "I actually didn't come here to talk to you Daniel, I came to talk to Y/n."
Daniel: "Not a chance."
Y/n: "It's ok Dani. I can do it."
Daniel: "Then I'm staying beside you."
Ben: "Jesus Seavey, let the girl come talk to me."

Daniel looked at me, he gave me the "Please don't," Look. I gave him a weak smile, I was trying to reassure him.

I took a step towards Ben, I didn't bring the crutches. I did more of a hobble rather than a step, dragging my bad leg behind me.

Y/n: "What do you want. What can I do to make you leave me alone?"
Ben: "I need money."
Y/n: "How much. And what for."
Ben: "A million. Never mind what for."
Y/n: "A million? Fuck you."
Ben: "You won't be saying that if I hurt you again."

I took a step back, almost falling. I found Daniel behind me and gripped his hand.

Daniel: "You won't get the chance to."
Ben: "And What does that mean?"
Daniel: "SECURITY!"
Ben: "You'll regret this."
Daniel: "SECURITY!"

Security ran in and dragged Ben away. I took a step back, falling into Daniel who grabbed me by the waist. Maybe this was all over...

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