You and Me: Part 14

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*3 Weeks later*

Zach- "You're walking better Y/n."
Y/n- "Yep, I can almost do a cartwheel."
Daniel- "Maybe don't do that."

Daniel spun me round and kissed my forehead. We had had a good time since Ben was arrested. We were really loved up, it was annoying the other boys and we could both tell.

Corbyn- "Get a room."

We laughed.

Daniel- "We still have 6 months of tour left. Maybe you can do a cartwheel on the final day."
Y/n- "Ugh ok."
Daniel- "But I was thinking."
Y/n- "Yes?"
Daniel- "You may need something to cheer you up, you know, cause you can't do any cartwheels."
Y/n- "And what would cheer me up?"
Daniel- "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/n- "I suppose that'll keep my entertained, you know, until I can do a cartwheel."
Daniel- "So that's a yes?"
Y/n- "Yes."

*2 months later*

I woke up and felt like I was going to be sick. I ran to the toilet and threw up. Daniel came in after me and rubbed my back.

Daniel - "Babe? You ok?"
Y/n- "Yeah... I'll be fine."
Daniel- "You're sick?"
Y/n- "I don't feel sick... just nauseous..."
Daniel- "Wait..."
Y/n- "You don't think..."

Daniel and I left the bus to go to the store and get some tests.

Jack- "Where are you guys going?"
Daniel-  "Store."
Jack- "To get what?"
Y/n- "Food."
Jack- "But Zach got food yesterday."
Daniel- "Getting watermelon."
Jack- "There's watermelon in the fri-"
Y/n- "We need more. Can never have enough."

We nervously laughed and walked out. We couldn't tell anyone.

We went to the store and bought tests. Daniel had to go to rehearsal so I took the test on my own. After I took the test, I walked to the stage where I saw Daniel and the boys.

He looked at me, waiting on my reaction. I nodded my head and cried happy tears. Daniel ran to me and swung me around his arms. He kissed my stomach and my forehead.

Daniel- "You're serious?!"

I nodded my head. Daniel started to tear up too.

Y/n- "We're having a baby."
Jonah- "You're having a What?!?!"
Corbyn- "I'm gonna be an uncle!"
Zach- "Me too!"
Jack- "That's not how it works Zach..."
Daniel- "I don't think I can wait 9 months."
Y/n- "Neither do I."

*9 Months Later*

Daniel and I were back in the Why Don't We house in LA. It was the middle of the night when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, suddenly , my water broke. I rolled over to Daniel.

Y/n- "Dani... Dani!"

He didn't move.

Y/n- "DANIEL!"
Daniel- "What."
Y/n- "The baby, it's coming."
Daniel- "Really?"
Y/n- "Yess!"

Daniel and I arrived at the hospital. The boys arrived 2 hours later. An hour after the boys arrived, the baby started to arrive.

The next day I gave birth to a baby girl called Alice Seavey. She had Daniel's eyes.

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