You and Me: Part 8

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to someone tugging on my sheets.

?: "Y/n! Wake up!"

I would recognise that little voice anywhere.

Y/n: "REESE!"

Reese was Zach's little sister. Corbyn and I stayed with Zach's family for a few weeks last year when we were moving house, Reese is like my baby sister.

She giggled. I pulled her into my bunk and tickled her and kissed her.

Reese: "I missed you, Y/n,"
Y/n: "I missed you too Reesey, it's been ages since I last saw you!"

I pulled her into another hug. She wriggled and tried to get free. I missed her so much.

Reese: "Guess what, y/n!"
Y/n: "What Reese?"
Reese: "I'm coming with you!"
Y/n: "ON TOUR?!"
Reese: "YES!!"
Reese: "Come on, let's go watch Zach and the boys rehearse!"

I braided Reese's hair and we walked to the main stage where the boys were supposed to be rehearsing. The hadn't started yet. I looked to find Daniel, when I saw him I felt sick.

He was standing with his arm around another girl. They were laughing together. Like we laugh together. He looked up and saw me. As soon as he made eye contact with me, he stepped away from this other mystery girl and started to walk towards me.

Y/n: "Hey Reese, I'm gonna go to the toilet, I'll be back in a sec, go talk to Zach, Ok?"
Reese: "Ok."

I turned to walk out and felt a hand around my arm. I knew it was Daniel. I yanked it free and marched on.

I heard him following me. Tears streamed down my face. I wiped them away with me sleeve.

Daniel: "Y/n, wait.."
Y/n: "Please just stop Daniel."
Daniel: "Y/n, it's not what it looks like, I swear."

I was angry. He knew i had my heart broken before. Seeing him with another girl after saying he loved me triggered all these memories and brought back  all these thoughts. I couldn't believe what he was doing after he helped me.


I screamed at him. We were only halfway down the hall, everyone heard me.

Corbyn came jogging down the hall. He knew something was up.

Corbyn: "Daniel, we need you at rehearsal..."

Daniel walked past me and Corbyn and through the door.

Corbyn: "You ok, y/n?"
Y/n: "Yea.."
Corbyn: "Is this about Jenna?"

So her name was Jenna. And it was obvious that's why I was upset.

Y/n: "Corbyn I'm fine."
Corbyn: "Ok."
Y/n: "Can you tell Christina I need her?"

Corbyn nodded his head and jogged out. I slid to the bottom of the wall.

I ran back to the tour bus and I put my head between my knees and covered my mouth, so no one could hear me crying.

Christina came and sat beside me.

Christina: "Y/n, talk to me."

I lifted my head up so I was looking at her. I just broke down. I started to bawl my eyes out.

Y/n: "I... saw... Daniel... with... Jenna."
Christina: "Y/n, Daniel loves you."
Y/n: "Then why was he with her?"
Christina: "Jenna's sneaky, she's a friend of Jacks, but Dani's smarter than that."

I got up from where I was sitting and walked back to the stage. I stood beside Jonah, he had already finished his sound check.

Jonah: "Are you ok?"
Y/n: "So everyone knows, huh?"
Jonah: "We kind heard you..."
Y/n: "I don't want to get hurt again."
Jonah: "I won't let him hurt you."
Y/n: "I saw Reese today.. is Svea coming?"
Jonah: "She should be here soon."
Y/n: "Aww yay, I missed her,"
Jonah: "Me too."

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