A Different Beginning

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The Baudelaires were being shoved down a trapdoor by their mother.

"But Mom!" Violet Baudelaire cried.

"No buts! Get down there and stay down there until we come and get you." Beatrice told her children.

"What if you don't come back? What if the fire gets you and father first?" Klaus asked.

"Then you go until you find a sign that says 'Quagmire's' you follow it until you get to the trapdoor. They will help you." Bertrand responded to his son.

"Bye mom bye dad." Violet said closing the trapdoor. Klaus passed the youngest Baudelaire to his sister.

"Take Sunny while I climb down." Klaus said. Violet nodded and reached for Sunny as Klaus climbed down the ladder.

"Do you think mom and dad will be ok?" Violet asks her expression fearful.

"They'll be fine....they have to be." Klaus responded with a sigh.

~Time Skip (they've been waiting for two hours)

The Baudelaire children sat patiently waiting for their parents return.

Sunny whimpered. "Gonno." (Which probably meant something like 'I think mom and dad are gone').

"Yeah I think your right." Violet sighed. "We should get going Sunny is probably right our parents are probably not coming back." Violet said a single tear dropping from her eye.

"We better find the Quagmire signs." Klaus suggested.

"That would be a reasonable decision." Violet agreed. Violet picked up Sunny. Her and Klaus started walking down the tunnel.

"I hope this is the right way." Klaus said nervously.

Violet looked at a sign in the distance. "Look! It says 'Quagmire'!" Violet pointed to a sign down the damp tunnel. Klaus saw and they started running. Eventually as time went on running became walking. The tunnel seemed endless and so did the possibilities.

"Where are-" Violet cut Klaus off putting a finger to his lips.

"Shhh." She whispered nodding ahead. Klaus followed her gaze and saw a boy around their age standing by a ladder.

"Mom? Dad?!" The boy called. All the Quagmire signs pointed to that spot. Another boy climbed down the ladder looking exactly like the other boy.

"Twins." Violet breathed.

"Yeah so what?" Klaus asked.

"I heard mom talking about the Quagmire triplets last week." Violet whispered.

"Two!" Sunny whisper yelled.

"Sunny's right there are only two." Klaus said.

"ISADORA!!" The twin boys yelled. The one that looked well groomed turned toward the Baudelaires direction. In a split second Violet and the boy made eye contact. The boy nudged his brother all the while not breaking his gaze.

"Who are you?!" The scruffy one of the two yelled. Only now did the other boy turn away. The Baudelaires slowly and silently made there way toward the two.

"I'm Violet Baudelaire this is my brother Klaus and my sister Sunny." Violet said stepping next to the ladder the boys had come down just minutes ago. The two boys eyes widened.

"Your the Baudelaires?" One of the two asked. Violet nodded. "We just read a newspaper about you."

"I'm Quigley and this is my brother Duncan." The other boy said. "We are sorry to hear about your parents." The boy named Quigley said.

"What did you hear?" Violet asked fearing the worst.

"They died in a terrible fire." Duncan answered. Violet fell to her knees. She had received the worst.

"I'm so sorry." Quigley said.

"You shouldn't be sorry. It's not like you caused the fire." Klaus commented.

"Unfortunately, we are dealing with a fire of our own. ISADORA!!" Quigley once again screamed. As if on cue the trapdoor opened and a rather ashy young girl fell down the ladder right on top of Klaus.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now