All a Dream

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"But I didn't leave and neither did you." Duncan said confused.

"What do you mean?" Violet asked her whole body shaking.

"After you found me you walked down the hallway and stopped just staring at a wall. Then you dropped to your knees and started screaming." Duncan by now was on the ground next to her hugging her close.

"I-I..." Violet couldn't even begin to comprehend what had just happened. She had finally lost her cool after all the horrid events that had happened in her life.

"It's ok Vi. You finally just let out something you've been keeping in for so long." Duncan reassured her.

"Where's Sunny?" Violet suddenly realized she hadn't found her sister.

"After we heard you scream Sunny wandered out of her hiding spot. She's in the dorm with Klaus and Isadora." Duncan explained.

"Why did this happen to us? What did we ever do to deserve this kind of pain and suffering? I just want a normal life! I like solving mysteries but this one is becoming to much to bare! Can it all end?" Violet cried before everything went black.


"Violet honey! Wake up!" Violet felt covers being ripped off of her and light seeping in from the windows.

"Mom?" Violet mumbled sitting up and taking in her surroundings.

"Yes dear?" The woman asked sitting on the bed.

"Mom!" Violet hugged her mom tight. She was home! With her family!

"Violet? Why do you seem so shaken up?" Her mom asked.

"B-But the fire you and dad died! And we met Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley! What happened to them where are they?" Violet was looking around her room furiously.

"Honey you've never met them before. And there was no fire." A concerned look was growing on Mrs. Baudelaire's face.

"I don't understand. It seemed so real."

"I believe it was all a nightmare."

"But Duncan-"

"We were planning to introduce you to the Quagmires this weekend anyway." Mr. Baudelaire informed walking into the room with Klaus and Sunny following close behind.

"Klaus do you remember-"



A/N: don't worry my lovely readers! This is not the end of the book but it will seem like a completely different story. What will happen when the Baudelaire's and Quagmires reunite? With they remember this "dream"?

A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now