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Violet snuck around the corner, unfortunately (as most things tend to play out in their lives) she was seen.

"Violet?!" Quigley whisper yelled.

"Shhh Quigley keep it down!" Violet hushed him. The man holding Quigley walked off at the sound of his name.

"Why are you here?" He asked lowering his voice and making his way towards Violet.

"I'm here to rescue you dipshit!" Violet replied.

"Well get on with it then!" Quigley demanded.

Violet heard footsteps coming in their direction. "Someone coming I have to hide!"

"But Vi-"

"I promise we'll save you." Violet quickly rushed behind a shelf as Olaf's assistant came back grabbing Quigley. As he was dragged away he looked back at Violet she mouthed 'I promise' but before long they had left the shop. Isadora, Antoinette, and Sunny came out of the bathroom and Violet rushed them to the car. They needed to follow Count Olaf. The rain was bound to hit soon that meant no trail so he had to be within eyesight.

They got in the car and drove a safe distance behind Count Olaf. Eventually after several weird turns Violet was suspicious.

"Guys I think he knows we're following him," Violet said worriedly.

"What do we do?" Isadora asked.

"The next turn he takes we turn the other way and then make a u-turn after a bit," Violet suggested.

"Sounds good," Annie agreed.

As if on cue Count Olaf turned left so Violet turned right. She could almost see Count Olaf chuckling to himself thinking he had fooled them.

Violet waited a minute before turning around a continuing her pursuit from a farther distance.


A/N: short chapter ik sorry but I needed a filler

A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now