Extra Chapter

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A/N: I know I said I wasn't gonna update until tomorrow but I had this chapter written from a couple weeks ago and I never posted it. This chapter is basically what the parents did to make their kids think it was all a dream.


"And you're sure this will work?" Mrs. Quagmire asked as they approached their old school Prufrock Prep.

"Positive." Mrs. Baudelaire confirmed.

"I feel bad about doing this to them." Mrs. Quagmire sighed.

"Don't think of it like we're hurting them think of it like we're helping them. We're getting rid of the messed up part of their lives." Mr. Baudelaire comforted the woman.

"They won't even feel a thing let alone remember it." Mr. Quagmire assured.

"Sorry I guess it's just mother's instinct." Mrs. Quagmire apologized.

Mrs. Baudelaire put a finger up to her mouth signally for them to be quiet. She then nodded her head in the direction of two students.

They could hear them talking from a distance. "It's ok Vi."

Mrs. Quagmire could recognize that voice anywhere. "It's Duncan." She smiled sadly at one of her babies she hadn't seen in almost a year.

"And Violet." Mrs. Baudelaire whispered.

"It's time." Mr. Baudelaire whispered. All four adults crept down the hallway out of sight from the teens before throwing the smallest darts they had at the two teen's arms.

Immediately the two were unconscious on the floor. Two down four to go.

They crept into the dorm that the children were staying in. They quickly threw more darts and soon all six of their kids were in a van being driven by Mr. Baudelaire. Mr. Quagmire sat in the passengers seat while the two moms sat in the middle row and the children laid in the back.

"Do you think they were in couples?" Mrs. Quagmire asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Baudelaire asked.

"Do you think they were dating one another? Like maybe Klaus and Isadora." Mrs. Quagmire chuckled a little.

"Poor Violet she would have to deal with boy your boys." Mrs. Baudelaire laughed.

"Oh I do feel bad for her. Who do you think she chose? If she chose at all." Mrs. Quagmire asked.

"I don't know. They're both pretty evenly matched to her." Mrs. Baudelaire answered.

"I think she's with Duncan." Mrs. Quagmire declared.


"I don't know I just have a gut feeling."

"Like your mothers instinct?" Mrs. Baudelaire questioned.

"Kind of."

"I'd like to see them all together."

"It would be so cute."



Hope u guys liked that little extra chapter! I will still be updating tomorrow so no worries.

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Only 9 more chapter of this story 😢 (cuz I had some random updates here and there that weren't chapter)

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