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"Get a room!" Quigley called spotting the two love birds in the back sharing spit.

"You're just jealous I have a boyfriend!" Isadora crossed her arms.

"Actually I'm not. I'd rather not have a boyfriend since I'm not gay." Quigley shot back laughing when Isadora growled.

"Can everyone shut up with all this nonsense? I'm trying to figure out where we are!" Violet yelled from the front of the group.

"We're at the apartment building home to the city's sixth most important financial advisor." Quigley stated like it was obvious.


"I do maps." Quigley dumbed it out for them.

As they were talking a small letter was dropped by a pigeon right into Violet's hands.

It read:
We're really sorry.

As an apology gift we got this car for you.

Forgive us?


-the Baudelaires and Quagmires

As if I'm cue a silver car rolled up next to the children. The door opened and a man walked out.

"This is yours. Bye now." The man walked away leaving the kids confused.

"I guess we can drive?" Violet questioned sitting in the drivers seat.

Duncan sat in the passengers seat. It was a minivan so Quigley and Sunny sat in the two middle seats and the love birds sat in the back.

Violet started up the car. "Where to?"

"The country maybe?"

"I'll just drive until I see corn." Violet suggested stepping on the gas.


It was about an hour before Violet spotted corn but she kept driving. She wanted to be as far away from people as possible.

"Are we there yet?" Quigley whined.

"Do you know where we're going?" Violet shot back.


"Exactly. Neither do I so shut your little-" Violet was cut off by Duncan.

"Vi. I know you're tired but let's not stress over my idiotic brother." Duncan soothed. He placed his hand on her thigh she at first jumped a little but soon melted into his touch.

Ever since they woke up from the "dream" (which turned out to be anything but that) Violet and Duncan hadn't talked about their relationship like Klaus and Isadora had. Of course there was still flirting and touching here and there but no kissing or titles were present. This made things very hard for the two of them as they were scared the other didn't feel the same way anymore. It also made it hard for the siblings who just wanted them to kiss and make up already.

This is what was happening right now. Duncan had his hand still rested upon Violets thigh. He would tuck pieces of hair behind her ear every once and a while and they would whisper who knows what to each other. Not to mention the giggles. The CONSTANT giggling.

"Oh for gods sake just kiss already!" Quigley finally snapped at the two.

Violet blushed and Duncan looked like he was about to kill his brother.

"Quigley let them be. If they want to have an annoying as hell unspoken relationship, let them." Isadora said emphasizing 'annoying as hell'.

"Guys we're here!" Violet piped up trying to change the subject.

They pulled up to a run down house. "Violet what is this place?" Duncan asked.

"My grandmas house." Violet answered.

"She does a few years back." Klaus added. They exited the car and went inside.

"The house has three bedrooms. One had a twin bed and a crib. Another has two queen beds. And one has a king sized bed." Violet explained.

"We call two queen beds room!" Isadora and Klaus sprinted up the stairs to the room.

"And it obviously makes since that Sunny gets the crib room. I'm sure she won't mind if I share the room with her. Right Sunny?" Quigley asked innocently.

"Yigaboo!" (Of course you can share!)

Quigley picked up Sunny and they headed upstairs as well.

"I have a feeling they did that on purpose." Violet sighed.

"Wouldn't doubt it." Duncan nodded heading upstairs Violet right behind him.


A/N: I'm gonna make the chapters longer from now on cuz I'm only making 12ish more chapters of this book!

Before I start a new one of course! (Like a sequel not a completely new one)

Also @mypikapik I made her drive lol.


Sry didn't mean to yell


A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Fortunate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now