The end

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Narrator P.O.V

Y/n and Dylan got back together.
Elsa learned soon enough and was furious. Y/n and Dylan confronted her. Elsa had to let it go (Hehe). What a stone cold bitch (hehe, ok I'll stop).

They announced their relationship to all their friends. Malina, Avi, Louis, Kitana, Lucy and Anton threw the couple a party. The eight of them became inseperable.

Oddly enough, Avi and Anton started dating. They were perfect for each other. They are still dating up to this day.

Y/n and Dylan dated for 3 years. But, sadly, their journey came to an end when Dylan moved to LA. His parents and his job wanted him to be closer to Hollywood. Even though Y/n understood, she couldn't help but cry. The couple shared one last magical month together. They decided to break up. Long distance would never work.

Today, Y/n took him to he airport, one last time. Before leaving, he gave her a final memorable kiss. He walked over to his gate. They were both sulking.

Y/n: Dylan! Wait! One last thing.

Dylan: Yes?

Y/n: What did you see in me? Why date me?

He grinned and kissed me on the cheek.
Dylan: Let's just say... That you are unlike most girls.

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