Laito Sakamaki x Reader

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"Bitch Chan~" Laito purred, searching desperately for the girl who was stocked full of the sweetest blood he had ever tasted.

"Laito? What are you doing?" Ayato had almost been trampled by the eager Sakamaki and was not in the least bit pleased.

"I will ask you once, kindly. Get. Out. Of. My. WAY!!!" He was seething, no way was anybody ever going to stop him from finding his meal and making her his own.

"I'm the eldest!" Ayato yelled. "You should show me more respect."

"To Hell with your 'respect'" He sneered mockingly and to further undermine him smirked whilst saying. "And bullshit you're the eldest. I am. We all know it, little brother."

"EXCUSE ME???!!!" Ayato was fuming by now.

"What on Earth is going on here?!" Y/N walked up behind Laito looking confused.

"Why don't you ask my insane brother!" Ayato still had a look of mortification on his face.

"Laito kun? What's Ayato kun talking about?" She scrunched up her nose in confusion.

Laito turned around with a completely insane look on his face and a crazed look in his eye.

"I'm thirsty, that's all. I get a little agitated when I'm hungry, I don't know why Ayato is making such a big fuss about all this." He brushed himself off and gave her the most innocent look he could muster.

"Come on then Laito kun, let's get you fed and then I can go to Reiji." Y/N smiled at him sweetly.

"REIJI?!" Both Laito and Ayato yelled in unison.

"Uuuuhhh... yeah...? He's helping me with my homework... Is that so wrong? I highly doubt that either of you two could help." She sniggered.

Ayato just 'Tch'ed and turned around to leave.

"Whatever. Like I care for all that stupid homework." He waved and walked away.

"I can help Little Bitch, but for a price." He smirked.

"You know you can have my blood for free, right?" She sighed.

"R-really?" Laito stuttered but quickly regained his composure after he realized.

"Of course Mister Fedora." She laughed playfully. "Come on then. Oh and in response to your homework offer... Yes please but if you can't help me with it then I'll have to go to Reiji for assistance. Cool with you?"

"Deal. Come on then I know where we can go~" He cooed.

"Oh no, no, no. I am going nowhere with you... We'll go to the public library instead." She grinned.

"Why not the school one?" He raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"Because it shut early today... Idiot..."

"Ooooh~ Careful Little Bitch, you know how sassiness turns me on~"

"Thanks for that, I now have even more unnecessary mental scarring because of you."

~Time skip brought to you by Ayato stuffing his face with takoyaki~

"Home time." Y/N smiled at the boy next to her who seemed a little distant.

"What is your opinion of me... Y/N...?" He seemed very nervous about her response.

"I umm... like you..." She mumbled.

"In what way?" He was now looking directly at her.

"In the way of... love..."

He leant over and kissed her.

"Good. You're mine." He grinned. "Forever."

Author Chan- You like it Pervy kun?

Laito- Of course.

Reiji- Why was I so minor in this one?

Author Chan- Well the last one was kinda about you... so...

Laito- We all know that I'm her favorite anyway. So why argue?

Shin- I'm Sorry what?! I'M HER FAVORITE! *Being held back by Carla*.

Kanato- What about me? *Starts sobbing*

Shu- It's me.

Author Chan- Ok so before they kill me to find out... I'm leaving. See you in the next one shot my beautiful readers :).

~Author Chan.

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