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Hey I'm Sierra I live in southern Louisiana and life's great me and my friend group called "The Circle" have been friends for a while now we all know a lot about each other. Their are 7 of us Brooke, Yolanda, Elizebeth, Gabi, Paige, Evangeline and me. Now here's what we look like:
        Me: I have very icy blue/grey eyes and very long eyelashes that curl just the right way. I have medium length dark brown hair, not the skinniest but also not the biggest, my eyebrows are unruly and do what they want, I have very defined cheekbones, and last but not least I dance it's a great passion of mine and might make it into my career.
       Evangeline: has long brown hair and is very tall she has kind of bushy eyebrows but not in a bad way, has hazel eyes that can make you melt, thin but calls herself fat. But don't we all? She has glasses and a lot of freckles.
      Brooke: very short the shortest out of the whole circle. Has very long almost black dark brown hair and has deep blue eyes with a little green on the outside.
     Yolanda: short as well but a little taller then Brooke she has brown eyes and she has fawn hair that goes just past her shoulders.
      Elizebeth has medium/long dirty blonde hair has green eyes and wears concealer and mascara daily she has a little acne trouble but it's getting better daily.
       Paige is very thin and has redish brown hair and wears it mostly in a ponytail or a French braid. She has glasses and braces but she still looks beautiful she is a fan girl but so am I we talk about our favorite fandoms all the time such as Dolan and why don't we.
        Gabi is dirty blonde with messy waves she is bigger but we don't care none of us do. She has blue eyes and loves to read really big books her and Paige have that in common.

       So that's us we love each other like sisters even though sometimes we fight about who gets what boy we know nothing can break us apart right? I hope so I don't know what I would do without my girls.

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