Just the beginning

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                               1 month later

  I still need to get a costume for the competition it's in 3 weeks. Every time my mom leaves I practice and try new tricks to put in to my dance. I think I'm going to dance to the song WAVES it speaks to me and gets my body moving. I'm waiting for my mom to leave so I can go to a costume company down the road it's called "Sew What"  I'm really hoping we can make something that I'll like in time.
  My mom left and I'm almost at Sew What when I walk in I see a young girl her name is Jolene she seems very nice and willing to help me. My design has to be cheap because I only took $267 With me. Once me and Jolene started talking she told me we go to the same school and she saw what had happened about a month ago. I told her my plans for the costume and we designed a simple yet elegant costume it's very basic because I'm going to be moving around a lot and I don't need it to rip she said that it will be easy to make and that it can be done in a week and a half. I told her thanks, paid and left she better get it done on time so that they will take me seriously. I hope I made the right choice by doing this without my mom knowing only if I had a dad that could support me but noooooo my mom had to be a needy hoe and get technically raped by a 23 year old when she was 16 and never saw my dad again same with Evangeline that's why we have such a close bond well we used to anyways. Even if I want to quit I can't I'm in to deep and I'm only on the first few steps I can't stop now.

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