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When I wake up the house is mysteriously silent. I know exactly what this means mom went out with Ms. Parker ( Evangeline's mom), And they are both getting drunk.  I'm so used to this that I'm excited when she is gone because that means I get to work on my dance technique and finish my solo. I'm thinking about entering in a dance competition, I know it cost thousands of dollars but mom won't notice. If I were to win that means that I could win up to a 100,000 dollars not to mention if i were to go into regionals that could be a million dollars and the cycle could keep on going. The only problem is how would I go to these competitions I'm 13 I can't drive I'll just have to take the bus and plane rides by myself.  Once I start to dance it's like my pain just disappears and I'm stuck in the movement
I finish my solo and videoed myself I think it looks fine I hope it does great I'm going to go online and enter a dance competition why not.
Well I'm entered in the competition all I need is a costume but I'll figure that out later I'm so happy it's crazy it's like I'm on a mission not only to chase my dreams of being a professional dancer but to also raise awareness with the money I make on dance on child abuse or any abuse for that matter. I want my mom and Ms. Parker to go to jail for what they did,  especially Ms.parker she beats Evangeline like there's no tomorrow that's why she always wears sweats and hoodies. I just really hope this mission will work out how I hope even if I have to do this on my own I will find a way. But it makes the most sense for me to do this on my own because it's my dreams so I have to put in my best motivation and determination.

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