Part 12: consequence

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"I barley recognized him at all"

Alec POV
I stand there and I look into Macy's eyes and I couldn't look away.
I saw fear,sadness in her eyes and I felt guilty.
I killed her ex boyfriend.
This is all my fault.
"What the fuck have you done!" She gets up and starts throwing her hands in the air.
Tears run down her face
It hurts the most to know I've done that to her.
I'm the one who is supposed to make her smile
But now I'm just a disappointment to her.
"Do you know what you created, chaos!" Macy starts freaking out and starts yelling and throwing stuff.
I walk over to her but she flinches and again I saw fear.
I feel tears start to appear in my eyes.
She has never seen this side of me.
The part of me I've tried to hid from her for years.
The monster inside me jumped out and took control.
Now I have to pay the consequences.
"M-Macy I'm so sorry." I try to reach out for her but she just smacks my hand.
She walks to me and says "I hope you know what you have done." Then she walks out leaving me all alone by myself with my thoughts.

Macy's POV

I can't believe anything that's happening.
I'm stressed.
I'm sad.
I'm angry.
Terrible mixture for me.
I don't know what to think he is different. I barley recognized him at all.
I don't know what to do and the next thing I know is I'm heading to Alec's sisters house.

Alec's POV

I stand where I've been for as long as Macy left me.
I can't move.
I can't think.
I can't breathe.
And I can't handle it.
I just feel so alone
I stand there until I hear police sirens coming near my house.
Also when I hear someone banging on the door.

Hello my lovely readers! I just wanna say sorry I haven't been updating I have a play at my high school we are doing beauty and the beast and gues what.... I GOT BELLE!!!! I'm so excited but also I wanna say thank you so much we made it to #1 in alecbenjamin and to 1k reads thank you!!!! Also go check out abby_sucks she is my best friend and I love her! But anyways bye love ya❤️!

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