(chaennie) consequences pt 3 -final

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but loving you had consequences


today blackpink was having their comeback after almost a year of hiatus.

and it meant chaeyoung already broke up with jennie the night before.

chaeyoung could still remember it clearly when she broke things off with jennie after they went on their usual dinner date. she remembered how jennie cried as she asked for an explanation from her as to why she wanted to break up with the older. she remembered the hurt look on jennie's face when chaeyoung said that she didn't love the main rapper anymore, that she fell out of love—which was actually the biggest lie chaeyoung ever told her. she remembered how jennie shouted that she hate chaeyoung and ran to her own room, not forgetting to slam the door as hard as she could. she remembered how she just stood still not bothering to chase after the older—like what she usually did whenever they got into a fight—and cried her heart out.

they both hurt.

the next day which was the day for blackpink's comeback, chaeyoung and jennie would try their best to avoid each other. for example, when jennie was about to call jisoo and found out that the oldest was talking with the aussie girl, she shut her mouth and walked away. jisoo and lisa who didn't understand what exactly happened with their other two members could only pray for them to make up with each other soon. fortunately both chaeyoung and jennie were professional when they're on stage. they'd perform like nothing bad happened to them. but as soon as they went to backstage, the cold war started again and no one could be brave enough to ask them about what happened.

weeks had passed and they finally finished their comeback promotions. yg decided to give them three days to rest before preparing for their world tour. jennie and lisa decided to spend their holiday with their respective family, as lisa's family was coming to korea and staying at a hotel. meanwhile chaeyoung stayed at the dorm and jisoo joined the latter, after spending the first day off with her family.

"here's your sandwich, chae." jisoo said as she handed the younger her sandwich. "no objecting or giving me your 'i'm not hungry' reason at me please, chae." she continued when the latter was about to refuse the sandwich.

"but i'm really not hungry, unnie." chaeyoung whined.

jisoo shook her head. "nah. hungry or not, you're still gonna eat it. look at yourself, chae, you're getting skinnier because you always skipped your meal. i am worried for you, chaeyoung-ah. we all are."

chaeyoung heaved a sigh and finally ate the sandwich. it was true though, chaeyoung had been skipping her meal eversince their break up.


chaeyoung turned her head at the older who's now staring at her. "what?"

"care to tell me what happened actually with you and jennie?"


"you guys broke up?"

jisoo's question has chaeyoung surprised because she never thought that the lead vocalist knew about them. "y-you know? how?"

"everyone with eyes know how in love you guys are, chaeyoung-ah. i'm not blind and neither is lisa, to know that something has been going on the both of you. we kept quiet because we wanted you guys to say that yourselves." jisoo said. "but instead of telling us how much you love each other, we found out how you guys started distancing yourselves since the night before this comeback."

chaeyoung silenced.

"what happened, chaeyoung-ah?"

without being asked twice, chaeyoung finally revealed to the older about her meeting with yg two weeks before the comeback. she told her when yg showed her the photos of jennie and her when they had their date. she told her how she's being told by yg to break things off with their main rapper, or else blackpink will be disband. and so she also told her that she already broke up with jennie, just the night before the comeback.

"oh my god, chae. why didn't you tell us about this?" jisoo asked as she hugged the now crying girl.

chaeyoung shrugged while still in jisoo's embrace and cried her heart out as she remembered jennie's hurtful face when she broke up with her. "i-i love her, unnie. but i can't do anything. i-i can't risk our group for the mere of love."

jisoo, not knowing what to say, just stroke the younger's hair to comfort her.

"i'm going to my room, unnie." chaeyoung excused herself minutes later after their hug, before going to her room when jisoo nodded at her.

chaeyoung spent the rest of the day and the day after inside her room.

that's why when jennie suddenly barged into her room the day after, she got surprised. before she could ask the older a question, jennie slapped her out of blue.

"why did you slap me, jen?" chaeyoung asked as she touched the now red cheek.

"why didn't you tell me, chae?" jennie asked and chaeyoung just looked at her confusedly. "why didn't you tell me that it was yg who told you to break up with me?"

"jisoo unnie already told you, i see."

jennie's expression got softer. "why didn't you tell me about it, chae? you know we could work things out together. we love each other, chae."

chaeyoung shook her head. "i can't, jen. i can't put blackpink on risk just because of our love. i can't just throw away you and the others' dream just because of this." she explained. "i think i did what best for all of us."

upon hearing chaeyoung's explanation, jennie finally understood why the younger made such a hard decision. she heaved a sigh then joined the younger to sit on the edge of the bed.

"b-but i still love you, chae." jennie said as a lone tear finally escaped her eyes.

"so am i, jen. but we can't do anything." chaeyoung said as she wiped jennie's tears away with her thumb. "now stop crying, okay? we can start all over again and stay as bestfriend like we used to be."

jennie immediately hugged the younger tightly and buried her face on the crook of chaeyoung's neck. she inhaled deeply the younger's scent. minutes later, she finally peeled herself off of the younger. jennie sighed heavily then showed her best smile and extended her hand at the younger.

"let's start it over again. hello, my name is kim jennie and you can call me jennie."

chaeyoung smiled widely and accepted the older's hand. "hi, my name is park chaeyoung and you can call me by chaeyoung. nice to meet you, jennie. i think we can be bestfriends."

both of them laughed at their silly action. even if it'd be hard, but they were hoping that after this they could be bestfriend again, despite everything that happened in the past.


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