Chapter 6

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The air whipped around my body so sudden and so violently that it took me a few moments to really notice anything else. The sky was so dark, no stars shined even though there were no signs of clouds anywhere. Yet somehow I could still see perfectly with the dim glow of the waning moon shinning above.

"What do you want?"

I snapped my head around completely taken off guard by the roughness of the male voice I had never heard before. He stood several yards away to my left and was looking straight at me with such intense hatred I felt like I was gonna pee myself. Not a very attractive thought. I opened my mouth to say something brilliant and well thought out -aka seriously moronic and dumb- when I heard another voice speak.

"Ye're on our land, Len," it said in a deep, rich accent.

I looked to my right and saw a man practically twice the size of any man I'd ever seen. I was certain he could snap me like a toothpick if he really wanted to. His eyes too held that intense hatred but something else mixed in with them. Reason, maybe? Sympathy? While I got the vibe that he didn't want to fight but would if he had to the other man was sending signals that he was about ready to pounce at any moment.

"I don't recall you and your pathetic pack of human lovers ever claiming it as your own." The first man bared his teeth in a nasty snarl. "This is America, is it not? What was that saying? 'Land of the free'? I can go wherever the fuck I please." More snarls and sinister hissing leaked out of the dark shadows behind him. "Pardon me," he continued with a smirk. "I meant we can go wherever we please."

"I'm no' afraid of ye. I will fight ye. And I will kill ye if I must," said the second man. "But I will no' let ye set foot on this land. Ye will no' take one more innocent life."

"Those humans deserve it." As he took a few steps closer I noticed he had a certain swagger to the way he walked. Easy going and cocky. He smiled a smile that sent chills all throughout my body and I was instantly on edge. "Come on, Kiel. You and I used to be mates, pals. We can go down to that so called town and slaughter each and every one of those disgusting creatures who call themselves Humans."

"The only disgusting creature I see tonight is standing befo' me and he calls himself by the name of Len."

"So that is how it is going to be between us, eh, comrade?" Len shrugged one of his broad shoulders nonchalantly. "As you wish."

"Len, it does no' have t' be like this." Kiel reached out and gripped his shoulder. The gesture reminded me of how a father would try and reason with his son but Len pulled away violently, hissing.

"Yes it does!" he spat, whirling back on him.

"No. It does no'. Come back to our Goddess. She will welcome ye with open arms, I am sure."

"The Goddess? That's your answer? Returning to the Goddess? That pathetic bitch?" He laughed. "Oh, Kiel you are so stupid. I have found another God to worship. One that is much stronger than yours. And because of him I am stronger as well. Let me show you."

Before I could realize what he was doing he lunged at Kiel slashing at him with what looked like claws at the end of his fingers. In an instant he was on the ground, another form crouching over him growling. It took me a moment to realize the figure was a woman with long black hair braided down her back. The two of them rolled and fought hissing and spitting at each other violently like a pair of street cats fighting over a scrap of food.

"Luna, that's enough!" A strong and clear voice called out.

The woman ripped herself away from the man and returned to her group standing between Kiel and a woman I hadn't noticed before. This woman's hair was white and flowed down around her shoulders in a thick wave. She stood completely still, as if she was waiting to stop another outbreak but at the same time she seemed surprisingly calm. She reminded me of an old Queen. Regal and strong.

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