Chapter 20

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When I woke up again I was lying in a seriously soft bed covered in crisp white linen sheets and a big black comforter. I nuzzled my head into the soft pillows and, after a moment, propped myself up on my elbows. I looked around the room. It wasn't huge but it was anything but small with its walls painted white and a rug colored soft mahogany. Kicking off the covers, I sat up, my legs dangling off the side of the bed. I raked my hands through my frazzled hair and tried stifling a yawn. Not far from where I sat on the bed was a medium sized desk holding a black laptop and a few books stacked on top of each other.

I stood up and shuffled over sleepily, pouting about leaving the warmth of the bed and its blankets. On the top of the pile was a thin book with a black hard cover, on the spine in small golden letters read the words Of Mice and Men. Under it a paperback copy of a book called The Dream Thief. It was really pretty with its blue night sky background filled with Smokey clouds. On either side of the cover were these identical up lifted silver dragons facing each other, their tails entwining gracefully. After skimming my fingers along the dragon's faces and then their scales I set it aside and looked at the book they laid beneath it. It was an old, worn paperback filled with marked paged. Its cover had been torn off long ago, more than likely due to lack of proper care, but it's title had been printed on the page inside. Dawn's Awakening. I opened it up and flipped to one of the many pages that had been dog eared. A paragraph in I snapped the book shut as blood began rushing to my face. Did I just read porn? I quickly set it back down, replacing The Dream Thief and Of Mice and Men on top of it.

I turned to the rest of the room looking around. The place was pretty tidy aside from the mess I made on the bed. After some thought on the matter I straightened out the covers and fluffed the pillows hoping it looked tidy enough to match the rest of the room.

When I straightened up again I found myself looking into a full length mirror hanging on the wall opposite the bed. I moved closer looking at my reflection. I was no longer wearing jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. Now I was wearing something like an old time night gown that hung down to my ankles. What the hell happened to my clothes? I briefly looked around for any sign of my original garments and even checked underneath the bed but found nothing. My shoulders slumping I decided to forget it and walked outside the room, abandoning the calming smell sandalwood, paper, and wood polish for the scent of warm cookies and the sound of arguing.

I walked softly toward the nearest staircase and peered down toward the... Uh, um.. and peered down toward the downstairs part of the house. Yeah, that works.

I saw that lady, Luna, her shoulders squared in anger. She was yelling at someone over cookies but I couldn't see him. From where he stood, the downstairs ceiling cut off my view of him from the waist up.

"It was my cookie!" Luna cried in distress.

"Too bad," I heard Gabriel's voice say. "I'm hungry. So now it's mine." He made a strange sound and Luna stomped her foot.

"Don't lick my cookie!" She shouted angrily.

"I licked it. So what are you gonna do about it?"

She lunged herself at him and they fell out of view. I listened as they screamed and cursed and (I'm pretty sure) broke a dish or two. All over a cookie? Weren't there anymore? God they're acting like little kids.

"That's enough!" Came the loud command and I leaned over the banister trying to get a better view of the old Queen. She walked into the room and on her order Kiel and another vampire pulled Luna and Gabriel apart. "Bickering over a sweet? You two must grow up; you act no better than inferior children." Her words were a soft but firm declaration of what I had just been thinking.

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