Chapter 7: Orphan's Fortunes are IN.

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Narrator's P.O.V.

Esme Gigi Genevive Squalor has only done one thing since the last time she saw the Baudelaire's. And that is, thinking about how she's getting her revenge for them killing Count Olaf. 

Now, we all now this isn't true but she likes to think so. But before doing what she actually has planned for revenge, she's getting back the sugar bowl. 

Esme might be an atrocious woman but she is very smart so she knows that her plan won't be too easy to perform, but she certainly knows how to do so.

Esme's P.O.V.

I've been hiding all this years Baudelaire's, but once I'm back, you will wish you all had stayed in that island. 

And well, many other things like not being orphans, never having met Olaf or me, or many of your horrible tutors, but that is not the point. 

I'm going to take the sugar bowl back and show Beatrice how I'm better than her, and oooohhh I would die to see the look on her face when I throw you all out off a cliff right after getting your fortune.

 What a shame she is dead, isn't it? Now, I have to get a very IN outfit for stealing orphan's fortunes.

Juliet's P.O.V.

I can still smell the scent of burning wood. My mom managed to get me out of the house but she returned in there looking for something, when all of the sudden my home fell down and left nothing more than ashes. 

That was not so long ago. During the past few months I studied in this boarding school but they closed so I was brought here. 

Unlike them, my parents, as soon as the fires started, warned me and prepared me for what was going to happen. 

The Baudelaire's and the Quagmires look like very good people and I like them a lot. Especially Duncan, he is just so perfect! But- I can't get fully over Nate. 

Narrator's P.O.V.

As Violet and Quigley head back to Prufrock, they see something very odd and familiar. Or must I just say someone?

Violet's P.O.V

Oh my God! Is that Esme?

"Quigley, come, we have to hide I think I saw Esme Squalor across the street"

"Are you sure it was her Vi?"

"Very very sure, now hide in that bush!"

"Is she gone?"

"I think so, let's run home and tell the others"


Isadora: "Wait, is that woman back?"

Violet: "Yeah, what if she still wants our fortunes?"

Duncan: "We have no one, we only have each other to fight against her, if only there was still someone from V.F.D out there that could help us"

Quigley: "But there isn't, so we have to hide somewhere she won't find us."

Juliet: "Why don't we go to the tunnels? she needs the passcode, and I don't think she knows it so we can roam around there until we find someone that can help us"

Duncan: "That's actually a great Idea Juliet, but where are those tunnels?"

Juliet: "Well I had a map of them but I lost it."

Quigley: "There is one near here! In the bus station!"

Klaus: "Well, I think we might need to leave sooner than expected, I can see Esme outside, we have to run before, A, She sees Carmelita and she takes her to us, or B, She finds us herself."

Violet: "Quick! Grab important stuff and some clothes, we will pick up Sunny and Beatrice on our way there."

We grab as much as we can and leave the dorm, we went and picked the girls up at daycare and entered the tunnel.


So what do you think will happen to them? Will Esme catch them? Is Beatrice Baudelaire really alive? Did you just read this with an infomercial voice? Find out in part two of chapter seven...

BTW, since I published chapter 7 part 1 today, I will get part 2 out tomorrow (Friday) and chapter 8 and 9 on Saturday. I've been having a lot of homework sry.

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