Chapter 8 part 2

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//A.N. THANK YOU SO MUCH @thevioletbaudelaire , without her this chapter would've not been possible//Check out her story it's so good and she does write long chapters (not like mehh)//

Isadora's P.O.V.

I really hope mom and dad are okay. Wherever they are. It feels like hours of walking in this very dark tunnel, I try to distract my mind from the fact that this lighting makes Klaus look so good!!! I wish I could tell him how I feel about him but I can't. Violet has told me about Fiona. I can't interfere between them. Klaus would be so much happier with her. And he doesn't even give me a sing that he likes me, I really don't think he does. We get to this huge door, I can hear some voices behind it. Beatrice opens the door and I can see mom!

Isadora: "Mother!" Tears started running down my cheeks. We all snuggled together. We all cried tears of joy, we couldn't believe we were together again. 

Quigley: "Mom, Y-you went back in the house?" I could tell Quigley was very sad and confused,  but relieved.

Mrs. Quagmire: "Your father and I managed to escape trough a window" "My babies have grown so much!"

Duncan: "But where is him? Is he here?"

Mrs. Quagmire: We will meet him and Juliet's parents next week. They went to a mission."

Duncan: "What is the mission about?"

Mrs. Quagmire: "Finding Esme."

Esme's P.O.V

I need to find them, they can't get away with this! I am much smarter than five little kids and two babies, I need to figure out where they went. Oh! Look who left a door open! That is not very smart. This is one of the tunnels? how could they know this was here? they must be in there. 

 I can hear their little orphan voices from here. Huh, Is that who I think it is?


Okay it's very  short but remember this is part 2 of the last chapter. 

Chapter 9, feb 5 it will be at least 1,000 words I promise<3

Pls vote lovess!!

Follow me on Instagram: @ quigletb. btw im taking a break from this acc, I will focus more on writing more than editing, but give it a follow<3

After the end of ASOUE // Quiglet and kladoraWhere stories live. Discover now