Chapter 3

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Kyle looked at me then his sister. A frown came upon his face and he took long strides in our direction.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he said while looking at his sister then me.

Unsure if the question was directed to me, I remained silent.

"What do you mean Kyle? I'm at the library, finishing up some work," Kelly spoke up.

"That's fine but why the hell are you with her?" He said with clear evidence of disgust rolling off his tongue while pointing towards me with his thumb.

"Well, I needed help with my work, her being one of the smartest in class, I thought who better to ask? You got a problem Kyle?"

"I Think I should go...." I started to shift between the 4 tall figures blocking the entrance.

"Uh uh uh, not so fast princess" chad extended his arm to block my way.

"Sorry, I need to get to class" with that I brushed his arm away to leave.

He grabbed my upper arm forcefully and came close to my ear "forget class, lets have fun, you and me"

"Chad! Let go of her." Kyle spoke up.

I looked at Kyle and noticed his jaw was clenched and his hands were in fisted on his side.

Like an obsequious idiot that he is, he let go of my arm. I ran outside the library as fast as I could to not face anymore dilemmas.

Thankfully I made it to my chemistry class without anyone following me to further torment me.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Until it was time for the after-school detention for being late.

You can do it Anna, just another hour of this hell. How bad can it be? You can work on your math homework in the meantime.

As I made it to Detention Classroom, blood drained from my face.

There sitting in the back corner by the window was Chad.

Detention room was a small classroom that consisted of 16 desks. Each desk was equally spaced out in the room. Only 7 people were in the classroom.

"Please sign-in on the Detention Attendance Sheet. Put your phone in the basket. Then take a seat" the teacher barely even looked at me, she was too busy reading a novel with her thick rimmed glasses.

I wrote my name and date along with the time.

I sat at the desk furthest from chad. There were 2 desks in front of mine and 1 behind me. I was near the left wall of the classroom.

I took out my math homework and started to work on it. However, I felt like I was being watched.

I turned to scan the class and was met with Chads chocolate brown eyes. He was sitting laid back with his legs spread apart and had a wicked smirk on his face. I retreated my eyes ignoring him.

After a few minutes I heard scraping of a chair, I looked over and saw Chad grabbing ahold of his bag and making his way towards me.

I started to panic and looked over at the teacher who was too busy to notice any movement.

Chad came and sat at the desk behind me.

After a while I could feel my chair getting kicked from behind. Knowing who it was I ignored him.

Then small crunched up paper balls start to hit my head from behind. I let out a long sigh and turned around to face Chad.

"Can you leave me alone?" I whispered while clenching my teeth.

"Come on babe, lets ditch detention together, my previous offer is still valid," he said

"No thank you," I replied.

"You know, they say a girls no is a yes," what an egoistic jerk.

He kept annoying me with different tactics and I kept ignoring him. Finally, the dreaded long hour ended, and it was time to go home. Everyone rushed out in a split second.

I quietly packed my belongings and made my way out. The teacher was right behind me locking the door and turned towards the stairs to the teachers parking lot that was in front of the school.

I made my way over to my locker to put away my math textbook. Since I completed the homework, I'll have one less textbook to carry home.

Suddenly a hand came over my mouth from behind and the persons other hand grabbed my waist and start dragging me. I tried to shout, scream, yell but I couldn't. I tried prying the hand off my mouth to no avail. I kicked my legs furiously to free myself from his strong grip but no matter what I did, the person didn't even budge.

I was being dragged into a Janitors closet. I started stomping feet on the ground hard trying to draw any kind of attention for someone to hear me and help me.

The whole school was empty. Why wasn't I more attentive to my surroundings? Please help me God!

"Tsk tsk tsk, the little mouse is finally under the cat's paws!" he said

It can't be. I know this voice.


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