Chapter 7

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Kyle stood up and came to stand beside my exam table crossing his arms while Officer Bill took Kyle's seat. Officer Tom dragged another chair to sit beside me as well. I looked at the clock and it was 5:09 pm.

"Kyle, my brother Toby should be out of school by now. I have to take care of him until mom comes home from work." I said. Toby's school ends an hour after mine, but he is enrolled in extracurricular activities after school. His school is 9-4 plus 1-hour after school, while mine is 8-3.

At 4 pm my detention ended and at 4:35 pm we arrived at the hospital.

"Don't worry, he's at his friend's house. I've called your mom already and she took care of it. She will be here in an hour." He said. Relief and anxiety came over me at once. I don't know what to tell her. She will leave work to come here, she's already working so hard to keep her position and her boss is not so kind either.

Worry took over me. Kyle frowned looking at me, then arched his eyebrow asking me what's wrong. I shook my head and looked at the Police Officers.

Officer Tom took out a notebook to write down my statement while the other held a tape recorder to record.

"We will be recording your statement as well as writing it down for filing the case." Officer Bill said.

Both officers were tall and built but Bill was a bit older in his senior years while Tom looked young. Probably in his mid to late '20s.

"Anna, we would like for you to start telling us everything you remember from the time school ended to the time you reached the hospital." Officer Tom said.

I nodded and started to tell them everything from the start.

"I was in Detention class after school, Chad was also there..."

I began to tell them everything Chad did to me in class. Then once detention ended when I was going to my locker, how he attacked me from behind and dragged me into the janitor's closet. Out of the corner of my eye, whenever I mentioned what Chad did to me, I saw Kyles crossed arms getting flexed that made his muscles and veins more protruding. I continued my statement of how he tied me and hit me to the point of Kyle showing up and saving me.

The officers were busy jotting down the information, Officer Bill instructing Officer Tom while he kept writing. I glanced at Kyle and his eyes were already on me. I felt uncomfortable with the way he was staring at me with such intensity. He shook his head at me a bit and I got confused why? Just then a tear slipped down from my right eye that I didn't even know I was holding.

Maybe remembering the whole situation and replaying it for the Officers was harder than I thought. I paused multiple times to breathe for a few seconds to control my anxiety while I was giving the details. I wiped away the tear and give Kyle a weak smile.

"Miss Wilders, we just have a few questions to ask before completing the statement." Officer Bill said. I nodded in response for him to continue.

"Has Chad ever shown any intentions of acting this way before this incident?" He asked.

"Aside from his nasty remarks and annoying offers of going with him to have "fun", no. He has always been like this for years, but I never thought he would do anything." I replied.

"Have you ever shown Chad interest of being with him?" He asked. I again felt Kyles arms getting stiff again and the vein on his forehead started to show a bit.

"No, never, I have never shown him any interest. I have never liked him from the day I met him." I stated. Was I saying this to the Officers or to Kyle? Tom kept writing down my answers.

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