Chapter 6

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We had arrived at the hospital. The nurse was finishing up my bandages which weren't a lot; just my head which hit the wall and a small cut on my lower lip.

She gave me an icepack for my cheek which was a bit swollen. She was being extra careful, slowly tending to my bruises because of Kyle.

Flashback to a moment ago.

Kyle held my hand leading me towards the emergency registration desk.

"We need to see a doctor." Kyle spoke to the nurse who was typing something on her computer.

She looked up at us then asked, "What's the emergency?"

I was fidgeting with my bracelet looking down. What was I to tell her? I was about to get raped, please help me clean up? Or just turn around and head home. It wasn't too late to do that right? With that thought I looked towards the entrance we came from.

"She needs treatment for her cuts and bruises." Kyle spoke up.

"Is there something that needs urgent care other than bandaging?" The nurse asked.

"Well you tell me that after you check her out!" Kyle started to raise his voice frustrated at her redundancy.

"Kyle, its okay, I just need a few bandages and I'll be good to go," I said trying to lessen the tension.

"This is an emergency department. If she doesn't require urgent care, then my advice to you is, to get a first-aid kit and treat the bruises yourself. Otherwise you'll be given least priority and might end up waiting a couple of hours." The nurse calmly said.

Kyle slammed his hands on her desk. "You listen to me woman! If she doesn't get treatment in the next 5 minutes, then don't blame me if you're on the streets the next day!" The nurse's eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you you cannot talk t-to me like t-that! I'm calling s-security on you if you don't l-leave!" She started to stutter while trying to show poise but failed miserably at it. That's what Kyle's anger does to you.

"Fine, call security and let's see who gets kicked out." With that Kyle took out his phone and dialed a number. Then put it on speaker. After a few rings a man picks up the phone.

"George Lockhart speaking" the man on the phone said. I was confused but one look at the nurse and you can tell all blood had drained from her face.

"Hey uncle George, its me Kyle McCain" Kyle said.

"Oh! Kyle! how are you? What made you remember this old geezer? What can I do for you son? Just name it and its done!" George said.

"You are m-m-m-McCain?! P-p-please forgive me Mr. McCain," she looked towards me then said, "I'll personally take care of her myself. Please." She got out of her seat and motioned us towards two automatic double doors.

Kyle smirked. "Oh nothing, just called to say hi. Okay bye now" Kyle shut the phone and put it in his pocket. The signalled the woman to continue.

Kyle's father Mr. McCain, was a business man with his own banking company, and his mother Mrs. McCain, was the president of the top two hospitals in our state. Including the one we're currently at.

Flashback ends.

"That'll be it for now sweetie, anyplace else you feel I haven't checked yet?" the nurse asked.

"Thank you, and that's it." I said. I was sitting on the examination bed.

The door knocked and the nurse gave permission to enter.

In came Kyle with 2 officers behind him. Kyle dragged a chair near me and sat down. "Anna, how are you feeling now?" Kyle asked. "Is everything taken care of?"

"Yes, the nurse took care of it all, it was only a cut and some swelling, that's it." I said. Then looked towards the officers standing behind Kyle.

"Anna, meet Officer Tom and Officer Bill. They're here to take your statement on exactly what happened." Kyle said.

"Kyle, I think I'm fine now, look my swelling has decreased and my cuts will heal in a day or two. I don't want the police involved in this." I said. I didn't want the police involved because Chad will get out sooner or later. I just want to graduate with peace and be on my way away from here.

I laid the ice-bag beside me and placed my hands on my lap. The policemen were making me nervous, I averted my gaze towards my hands.

"Anna. I told you, you don't need to worry about anything. Just give your statement and leave the rest to me. Trust me." with that Kyle placed his hand on top of mine.

I looked at his hand on top of me, then looked up into his eyes.

Why was Kyle doing this? Why was he being so nice? Is this another one of his games? Or is he actually feeling bad for his actions? I don't know.

"Anna" Kyle called my name again. Oh, how I love hearing my name roll off of his tongue without any anger behind it.

This sudden change in Kyle scares me. He never called me with such worry and care in his voice. A person can never change instantly. Either a person is like that from the start, or they put on a temporary act.

"Okay, I'll do it," I said.

I guess I'll just have to find out.

Authors Note:

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