Chapter 4

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He pushed me inside and was right behind me. the door quietly shut by itself as it was equipped with a spring door-closer.

"" I was so stunned that my mind couldn't even put words together.

We were inside the Janitors closet now. It was a very small closet with gray walls. I suddenly turned around and pressed my back to the wall.

To my right there was a shelving unit with cleaning solution bottles, soaps and toilet papers. Right beside it there was a rolling industrial mop bucket. To my left there was a steel utility sink. The long faucet had a cleaning towel hanging on it.

The room was lit with a single lightbulb on the ceiling.

I quickly pushed the big mop bucket in between Chad and I. Afterwards I grabbed the mop handle to protect myself.

"You know Anna, if you hadn't picked that fight with Kyle on the first day. I would have made you my girl long ago. You are quite a beauty. I'll have a lot of fun with you" He said

"L-let go of me! will regret this! I'm warning you!" I was furious. I couldn't believe his intentions. I threatened him with the mop in my hands.

"I like a fierce girl!" He licked his bottom lip.


"Didn't you hear a word I said?". My hands were shaking, as I was gripping the mop handle like my life depended on it.

"You know, I've started to notice Kyle getting softer on you. Maybe he's tired of you. If you make me happy and fulfill my desires. I can talk to him. You'll no longer need to fear him," He said.

Kyle getting softer? Its true he hasn't abused me physically like before, but he still hurt me. He damaged my phone. Is he really getting tired of me?

Chad started waving his hand in front of my face. "Anna, what you thinking about babe? I know it sounds too good to be true, you and me..."

"In your dreams! You're a self-centered mad lunatic!" I had to get out. He was insane!

"Enough chitchat, I've been dying to have a taste of you!" he pushed the mop bucket between us to the side.

"NO!" I raised the mop handle to hit him, but I was too weak. He grabbed the handle and yanked it out of my hands.

I started to scream but he quickly grabbed my hair and shut my mouth with his lips. I kept my lips sealed shut. He was kissing my roughly. I started to struggle. I need to get out! He's too strong for me! matter how tough a guy is.... they all have the same weakness!!

Without any further thinking, with all the strength I had, I kneed him hard between his legs.

"Shit! You fucking bitch!" His hands left me and he bend down clutching his private area.

I need to move now! I quickly grabbed the doorknob to finally be free. Thank god it isn't locked!

Just as I turned the doorknob and was about to open the door, I was pulled back with such force that my back and head hit the wall. My eyes automatically shut as I hissed with pain.

I opened my eyes and right then Chad raised his hand and smacked my face so hard that I fell on my hands and knees. I grabbed my cheek as it stung bad with pain. My lower lip got a cut on the right from my upper tooth by the sudden impact. Tears started to well my eyes.

"Never try to do that again!" He shouted.

I was too shocked to do anything. I looked up and saw Chad picking up the cleaning towel hanging on the faucet. What was he doi-?

Before I could even put 2 and 2 together, he sat on one of his knees and grabbed my face. I tried to pry his hands off, but he again slapped me on my face. The left side of my forehead hit the wall and I knew it was going to bruise badly.

Chad quickly wrapped the cloth around my mouth between my teeth. I tried taking it off, but he tied it extremely tight. Then he turned me around towards him and held both of my hands over my head. With his other hand he caressed my face.

"I still want to hear a bit of that sexy voice of yours baby,"

I was crying, tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

"Don't worry baby, I know its your first time, you'll love it once you get a taste of it!" he smiled manically.

"Mppfh....mmhmmph...rrrhhh" I tried to scream but my voice was muffled. I kept trying to free my hands from his grip. However, his grip didn't loosen a single bit, in fact, It only got tighter.

"Yes! Yes! Just like that, I wanna hear your angelic moans and screams!"

Then he found a box of black ultra heavy-duty garbage bags under the tall shelving unit.

"This'll work just fine!" He reached into the box and grabbed a folded new garbage bag.

With the bag he started wrapping my hands together multiple times tightly behind my back.

Once his work was done. He leaned back to look at me. He started to smile with satisfaction. My hands were now tied behind me and my back was against the wall.

Although I still had my clothes on, I felt naked under his repulsive stare.

"You have no idea how damn sexy you have become, all the guys have noticed, which angers me. I think even Kyle has noticed your grown seductive curves. However, I'll be the one to take the first claim on you." He said

He started to inch towards me, I pulled my knees up to my chest to restrict him from getting closer.

I was a mess. I was shaking with fear. My face was wet from my tears. My head was in a lot of pain.

"Mhhmh....hmmhh...." I whimpered. I was out of fight now. I was completely defeated. I pleaded him with my eyes to let me go. I was literally begging him.

He again caressed my cheek, then started trailing his hand down to my neck. Then down to my chest. Both of his hand hovered over my breasts until he grabbed them and started to squeeze them together.

"Damn, these babies have definitely gotten plumper over the years. Fake ones can never compare to the real ones. Cloe's have bored me out now."

Cloe? Wait...isn't she with Kyle? I know she's the school's slut but sleeping with her boyfriend's best friend is on a whole other level.

He pulled my legs straight and started to lift my shirt up until my nude colored bra was revealed.

"Hahaha! Oh I cant believe it.... I finally have you under me!" He started to laugh hysterically. "I've always dreamt of this day!"

His hands started to roam my exposed skin.

"Oh I cant wait anymore. I'm starting the main show now baby," He said

With that he started to pull my pants off. I kept crying, I felt like throwing up.

My pants were now down to knees revealing my black cotton underwear. My undergarments were fully visible now, with my stomach and thighs bare. I was helpless.

He unbuckled his belt and opened the button of his pants. After unzipping he lowered them enough to fully expose his boxers.

"I'll start by taking you from the behind first gorgeous!"

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